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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

21 hours ago, 30-30 said:

WGW, about the porn issue, my point still stands. It´s not important whether or not the animal is harmed or whatever, it´s solely about what image someone who publishes animal porn is handing out to the public. You cannot claim deep and genuine love for your animal, but then you pour your little wank flix into the trough of the international wanking community. It´s about the human and the morals , not about the animal and possible negative consequences...although the consequences shouldn´t be neglected. I know of a couple of cases where the animal´s fur pattern has led to identification of the animal and , of course, its owner. I don´t know how you see it, but I have massive problems believing that it´s "true love" for the animal when you not only display that massive anthropocentrism (in the end, it´s the human who decides whether or not the "exciting new clip" gets uploaded), but also are indifferent about increasing the risk of exposal. And all of that just for "fame" in the "community", a possible few coins more in your pocket while the runners of BF allegedly sit on their platinum toilets, wiping their asses with 100 dollar bills and "download credits".Those who "sell" their love aren´t in love. That´s what I wanted to say.  

I can agree there, I wouldn't do it myself: though I guess for me I don't have a problem with the concept of 'animal porn' overall. But you are right, most do it for fame, 'props' in the 'communities' like BF, and money. The risk of being identified is horridly high too: especially with fur pattern or an exotic species like a wolf, zebra, or some other uncommon creature.

Then again, I'm 100% against 'animal sharing' as well: for health of the human and the animal involved. Plus not being familiar with the quadruped in question can lead to injury of one or both (Ken was a prime example, unfamiliar stallion: too big too fast....). Also, I can't stand society or 'morality' these days: morality is subjective anyways, but sadly as humans we must deal with humans. We must communicate and function within the bounds of society or hide underground as we do now, and the fore mentioned incidents are reason for such hiding.

I will tell and discuss with friends I can trust, but family doesn't know and never will: I also don't do that 'PROUD ZOO' shit you see people do for attention on social media.

Also, something of note: in 'recent' anti-beast states like mine (Ohio) before the law was passed, you could still be charged. The tactic is called 'Creative Prosecution', if there's no law directly against a 'bad', 'immoral' or 'unethical' act: you use another charge to pin someone down for being an idiot or gross (I have family in Law Enforcement and Corrections, so I know some of the background tactics well: they're not always 'dirty', but more like 'cheeky' most of the time to let someone know they've been a blundering moron...). Even my past experiences could have been prosecuted: even with no harm dome to the animal, or myself, or no law against said actions.

So, even if your country, state, or province doesn't have direct laws against it: please don't take hundreds of pictures, hours of video: or fuck your partner in the goddamn street. It only serves to make you look like an idiot and make the rest of us look even worse. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> 

Heh, topic may have derailed a little, but some good viewpoints as always floating around.




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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by WinterGreenWolf - 11-12-2018, 08:57 AM

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