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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

2 hours ago, covfefelake said:

A persecuted minority often develops a persecution complex.  That doesn't make the persecution any more correct.

Aww, come on, not that lazy soundbite again. We are not, I repeat, are NOT a "persecuted" minority at all. Nobody is coming "to get us" if we don´t draw attention towards us by participating in porn business, are keeping off the neighbour´s pasture and curb our dominant "I gotta tell the world I fuck animals, ´cause only that is real freedom!" attitude. The jews in the Germany after the "Nürnberger Rassengesetze" were persecuted....but we are the ones sticking the yellow stars onto our clothes ourselves and call it "zoo pride" and then act surprised when the authorities aren´t amused. I´ll tell you what, this isn´t persecution mania, it´s a convenient victim complex our community has developed due to the accompanying splendid effect of "I´m a victim of suppression, don´t you dare to criticise anything I do!". Tactics. Bad tactics , done by tactical illiterates perfectly fitting into the Zeitgeist.Real persecution is large quantities of authority forces actively searching for you solely for belonging to a certain group, not your dumb actions putting out evidence yourselves...and to my knowledge, that doesn´t happen. What we see is reactions by authorities when someone is putting out evidence themselves. Don´t "animalporn" , stay off other people´s animals and watch your food trap , then everything will be fine. Anybody telling you different is a hysterical liar with an agenda.  I lived more than 20 years with my mare in public boarding stables , yet never had contact with the police or other authority figures. Hundereds of people knew or suspected what was going on between my mare and me, yet no one felt forced to get my ass busted. If we zoos are, as ZETA has claimed with a David´s star with a zeta montaged into it, the "modern day jews", then where are the trains to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen then?  


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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by 30-30 - 11-13-2018, 04:01 AM

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