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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

18 hours ago, 30-30 said:

they still believe in this and that it´ll bring "free zoophilia" if only "we" bump our head onto the massive concrete wall of "You fuck animals? And I am supposed to tolerate this? Hell NO!!" for long enough. 

The crazy thing is too: that they don't seem to get, and that no one seems to get. There is no law against *zoophilia* in and of itself, it's merely the attraction. You don't have to have sexual contact with an animal to -be- a zoophile, period. As I've said before and I'll probably continue to disagree with you on that point from what I've seen of your other posts. That is, if I remember your statement of 'experience' defining a true zoo. I hope I'm not misinterpreting that in any way.

It's *bestiality* that is not legal in most of the U.S.: the actual -act- of sexually contacting an animal (even though Dog breeders, ranchers, and farmers use the guise of 'AI' and 'Animal husbandry'), it's still fucking sexual contact with an animal no matter what way you slice the pie, it's partly people's deluded sense of morals that make them think X is O.K., but Y is BAD BAD BAD. It also does revert to one of your earlier points too: we've given ourselves our own bad image as well.

So, taking that in to account, German groups like 'Zeta Weren' (SP?), and the 'Tumblr fighters' are complete morons. Zoos aren't 'missing rights', there's no civil right to be had especially since animals don't have, nor understand human rights.

18 hours ago, 30-30 said:

"there´s only two things that are infinite, space and human stupidity...and I´m not really sure about space."

I have repeated this *exact* quote -so- many times, it's not funny. It seems especially true with the 'Zoo Warriors' like Aluzky, or the 'Beast advocate' trash fires like Whitney Wisconsin. Every time in the past I've seen a video from one of these Grade A Morons, or heard of them mentioned I cringed, hard.

18 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Don´t mind our first "hard contact", WGW...I´m German and we Germans aren´t said to be blunt and open instead of being polite for nothing. I´d rather have a million people telling me that I´m an asshole for them right into my face than all this false politeness that´s hiding true feelings behind social conventions.  I can distribute punches, so I should be capable to receive some punches, right? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> So, nevermind, you don´t owe me an apology or an explanation.  

Heh, makes me wonder if I'm part German? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> I don't take shit from anyone, am open and honest if asked a question (to the best of my ability of course...) and I really could give two shits less what someone thinks of me in general. Strangely this didn't use to be the case. I used to seek social acceptance and even in my earliest days I sadly undertook the role of a 'Zoo Rights Fighter' after the hands incident, the young and dumb 'change the world by my own hand' sort of mentality. As a few seem to do though, I found myself: grew up, started thinking logically and went in to the shadows about 'Being Zoo' for a good many years: sat back and watched the shit show, let things cool off etc..

Not to mention, the most important lesson one should learn: *YOU* are in control of your own actions, choices and situations, it's not worth it to bend out of shape and go nuts over social pressures, especially when those social pressures can be -avoided- a lot of the time by not stepping in the proverbial shit pile. If you do something stupid, it's your situation and your problem. If your neighbor does something stupid (but isn't harming anyone, or anything else) it is not your problem, period. Trust me on this one, that is the biggest stress relief known: sometimes you just gotta give society the big middle finger and lay low.


18 hours ago, 30-30 said:

"I hope others can learn to treat us with more kindness"...I share this hope , but I´m afraid that won´t happen until we ourselves learn to treat us and our orientation with respect first. And regarding Rannoch, I can only say that he may have faced a different life if he´d grown up in Europe. As far as I know, all his problems originated in how the US generally treats "deviants" of our kind. My cow loving zoo friend from North Germany did indeed tell his psychotherapist about his love for cows and pigs without any perils of going to jail and his mother does know about her son´s special orientation as well. I met her a couple of times when she was visiting him and she doesn´t seem to make much of a drama out of it, she´s pretty supportive. In the US, no one bats an eye when a bank robber gets shot in the head by police live on TV in the afternoon, when lots of kiddies watch TV, but when Janet Jackson´s nipple is exposed, it´s a nationwide crisis. In Europe, not even the fanatically religious are frightened of a nipple, but any form of violence is frowned upon. I guess that illustrates the divergence in general attitude between the US and Europe better than anything else.   Rannoch´s case doesn´t display a general problem, but a very US specific problem IMHO, one that resonates into all sectors of US society, psychologists, therapeuts, parents, laws etc. pp. You won´t find "sex offender lists" here in Europe...we Europeans think it´s medieval. 

I can tell you, you are for sure right about the divergent nature of the two 'countries' (best way I can think to word it). In American Society, when the popular do, the rest follow (very much the 'sheeple' mentality). Also if 'leader' says something is bad, or risky, it goes down the ladder and ends up as 'REALLY, REALLY BAD'.. In Ken's case with his stallion.. ugh 'lover', Darwinism tool hold and his stupidity was punished (by death...), to the rest of society,: it was a 'PLEASE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!' moment. In the same breath, we do just what you describe too. Televise executions and murders (one in the same, in my eyes...) on -live- T.V. during the day! Yet a nipple slip or 'Hey mom, the dog,  kinda humped me last night.. I kinda liked it...' is the world's worst Moral Apocalypse to ever occur, ever!

It sounds kind of harsh, but I -do- believe in the 'Darwinism Theory': the strong survive and the weak die off. There's sometimes it's best to intervene but I really think society would be better as a whole, especially in the states if people's stupidity was allowed to be punished by their actions (like what happened to Hands). Now, we have so many damn laws and regulations to protect idiots it's hard to tell if someone really learns anything in day to day life anymore.


9 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

don't know anyone who takes more words to say something, but your point(s) are 100% spot-on.  

Yeah see that's the thing, he's right about this 100%. I mean hell if I were into humans and had a human partner: I wouldn't push our sex lives or sexual activity on every single person I met. But it seems all too common in our community. I think for the reasons 30 stated too.

I mean hell, I wish I could be a -little- more open with my true feelings towards animals and whatnot, but it's not a hill I'm dying on: especially since it risks me -not- being able to find another mate, settle and start a life with him. 

Being a blabbermouth, going all 'ZOO PRIDE', telling the public how good doggie dong feels are all ways of fucking yourself over. Plus as 30-30 mentioned too: the young zoos, the discovering and the new are going to feel repressed and depressed by a law that shouldn't even effect them in the first place.



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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by WinterGreenWolf - 11-14-2018, 07:01 AM

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