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Are we our own worst enemy?

"In individuals, insanity is rare. In masses, it is the rule." - Friedrich Nietzsche

WGW, the essence of all this is that we should completely refrain from "campaigning" on a large scale and focus on making small baby goose steps instead. Social media is the wrong way for our activist urges. We´re mostly successful when we´re having eye-to-eye conversations with our best and closest friends, those who know more of us than just our screen name and thus have a wider picture of us "deviants". In social media, everyone showing even the least bit of sympathy towards us finds himself lumped in with us immediately ("If you´re defending those vile animal rapists, you must be one of them , too!"). Actual discourse is buried by social dynamics in social media and tribalism prevails. That´s the lesson that has to be learned and internalised by our community. If you feel the urge to tell "it" to somebody else, do it in a framesetting that is in your favour, not one that is rigged against you from the very beginning.  Fight the battles you can win, not the ones you cannot. 

"...reverse some of the retarded bestiality laws..." I´d opt for another approach, regulation. Much like with soft drugs, limited access and neutral control that could immediately interfere when symptoms of harm appear. I absolutely do appreciate the deterring effects anti bestiality legislation can have, I don´t want "zoophilia" to become the next hip and "in" thing for the sexually bored, the inevitable consequence of legalising it with no possibility to steer and direct it. Or, as I say, " legal ´zoophilia´ is heaven for the beasties, but utter hell for the animals". In zoophilia , at least three parties are involved, society, the zoophiles and last, but not least , the animals. "Legal zoophilia" would hand out the keys of the candyshop to the "zoos", with a big middle finger swung at the other two parties involved.   Only controlled zoophilia would create a stable balance with all three parties´ rights taken into the equation.

"Animals are not human children" True dat. But I´d furiously advise against feeling smugly encouraged by this truth. We zoos don´t know more than anyone else. Sticking your penis in an animal (or vice versa) does not miraculously turn us all into Dr Dolittles. We are equally dependent on guesses and assumptions as anyone else feeling entitled to say "how animals really are". My take on this wouldn´t match your approach of calling them hedonists, I usually try to stay away from labelling animals as I understood that "function follows form" when humans talk about "what animals are". We are way too entrenched in our "humanhood" , we simply cannot make valid statements about animals without subconsciously applying human reality to them. But if I´d be forced to make a statement about how aminals perceive life, I´d compare it to the experiences of "depersonalisation" you have with large doses of psychedelics or that "non mindset" of accomplished zen roshis who have dedicated all their life striving for nirvana/satori/illumination. A kind of spontaneous manifestation, only slightly disturbed by rudimentary symbol systems to communicate with each other. No yesterday and no tomorrow, in a human  sense. But that´s just an approximation since even I , with my three decades of experience with horses, cannot really make definite statements about horses, every horse is different and what works with one will not do with another. That´s why I despise the whole therian and anthro scene, including furries. No one of them knows what it feels to be an animal, they only mistake their ideas of what it would feel for a HUMAN to have animal bodies, limbs and minds. Mistaking the map for the real territory. And don´t get me wrong on this, I too am "suffering" (well, not really [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> ) from "species dysphoria". Having said that, it´s no surprise that most of those "I really am an animal inside!" types show little to no real traits of their "animalhood" when they are confronted with their "real species". Well, besides the implausible stories they usually not hesitate to tell to convince...as long as you´re human, you will always be bound to human mind patterns. Even satori and the deepest egoless trip won´t change that fully. 

And beware of stepping into the same pitfall as those you accuse as "creationist drivel advocates". You have to know that creating patterns out of the chaotic world we experience everyday is an essential survival strategy of humans. We literally are the "pattern making apes" of nature. We are doomed to make "sense" out of everything and are way more of artistic creators of our "reality" (Ì´d rather call ´em reality tunnels) than we´re aware of. I recommend just accepting the "so-ness" of animals and not trying to impose human mindsets onto them. The very moment you verbalise "what animals really are" , you have proven yourselves wrong. Animals are ...*sound of a gong* [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

The tendency to verbalise concepts about animals is coined into every human and it takes a shitload of efforts to even become aware of that, let alone developing a different mindset that´s not so dependent on human concepts and comparisons of animals with these concepts. We can only understand animals from a human perspective, we´ll never be able to fully understand unless the Hindus are right and reincarnation is real. 

About that " they don´t really give two fucks as long as someting feels good" bit, well, it only tells a partial truth. If you are right, then why don´t animals do it all the time then? Besides a tiny number of species, there are mating seasons regulating sexuality. We humans with our all-around-the-year readiness are rather untypical mammals. Don´t get me wrong on this either, my Hannover mare quickly learned that daily consummation of our partnership was something good and pleasant, she awaited me every morning and while I was feeding the other horses, she usually peed and expected my return with her tail held up high in the air. But that isn´t something she would have done naturally, even though the males in every species are always "ready". So it seems to be a bit more complicated than what you said. There is more to it and even I still am puzzled why even with my new mare I´m no longer than 1 and a half year with, sleeping way more frequently with each other than the natural hormonal cycle would suggest is so effortlessly and flawlessly achieved. The only thing I could bring up here is the most unscientific word in the world....love.


Messages In This Thread
Are we our own worst enemy? - by silverwolf1 - 11-16-2018, 03:08 PM
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Are we our own worst enemy? - by WinterGreenWolf - 11-22-2018, 05:37 AM
Are we our own worst enemy? - by 30-30 - 12-03-2018, 06:10 AM

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