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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

Hide my love life? Well, I never did, because I understood the difference between actively hiding and just not pushing it in everyone´s faces. Besides that, you simply cannot "hide" true love, the people around you will ALWAYS recognise it subconscoiusly. Like my mother did, like many of the other horseowners around me did. They all "knew" that there was more to my relationship with my mare than the usual rider-horse relation. Any yet, no one got hysterical about it...a quality of insight I´d really like our community to adopt. As I said, continue "normsplaining" my orientation to me... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

With your tolerance for bestiality, you´re not the rule. Most normal people are disgusted by it, tolerance of using animals as simple live dildos and fleshlights is not widespread. And for people like us real zoos, the underlying anthropocentrism of most acts of bestiality is especially hard to swallow because it goes against all we believe in. For us, our animals are equals...and this is not lip service, but deeply felt truth for us. Now add how many of those bestialists claim their acts to be consentual, but totally fail actual consent simply because they lack any real in depth knowledge of the animals in question. Sticking your dick into animals does not make you into Dr Dolittle, but that´s the soundbit that´s repeated over and over again. As I said before, this is not about some sex lib ideology, this is about finding a way to more calmness and tolerance from both sides of the aisle.  

I think you´re massively misunderstanding me in my opposition to Rannoch. Rannoch for me was/is a textbook example where the illusions this community predominantly sports and supports will lead us. As I said, this kind of approach has been our dogmatic one for nearly as long as I am in this community, since the early nineties, to be precise. It has done nothing for us, it brought us to the situation we´re in at the moment. We are stuck in a dead end, and people like Rannoch go absolutely bonkers by simply mentioning that we´d better turn around to get out of the dead end situation because it violates their quasi-religious ideology. Up to this very day, I´m not sure whether Rannoch´s problems have their origins in his "zoophilia" or his "zoophilia" only was a symptom of his mental preconditions. By the way, that´s maybe the biggest challenge our community faces, to separate those whose "zoophilia" is just a symptom of deeper problems from those who are "functional perverts", who lead a rather "normal" life, who know when it is better to keep their mouths shut, who are aware of the graveness of the situation they find themselves in as zoos. 

Rannoch was/is one of those zealous hyperbolisers, paranoiac hysterisers our community listened way longer to than it is good for any community. And all of that despite the fact his only real encounter was limited to "fondling a doe" once. One he claimed to "love" beyond everything, but couldn´t find enough reason to visit again on his own. His move to come out to his parent, that led to him becoming a subject of the shrinks, is another fine example what spouting that predominant toxic ideology that sadly is this community´s dogma can lead to. The illusion of screaming "Free zoo now!" often and loud enough into the face of society....how it comes no one sees through this and realises how many among us have fallen because of this? In this sense, Rannoch and his likeminded peers are pretty much comparable to the cult of Brexit, they insist of something that will undeniably and undoubtedly hurt themselves beyond recognition, but as the quasi-religion it is, will be pursued regardless of amassing proof of failure. It´s a matter of belief, not actual observation of reality and operational approaches going after that what may not be covered by that toxic "free sex" ideology, but is ostentibly WORKING the way it is intended. I never had any personal problems with Rannoch, my problems with him are strictly limited to his self chosen function as a perpetuator of an ideology that has been demonstably failed us, harmed us and led us into that arrogant thinking society owes us anything. And that while more headlines are made by "harmless fencehoppers", by thoroughly "pornified" members of our community, by all the Aluzkies and Pinyans, the Spinks´s and all the others clinging to their illusions. It´s nice to have an ideology as it serves mental laziness perfectly, you don´t have to think ever again once you adopted it. You even blame your ideology´s failures on "the others", the "unjust" society...on everything except yourselves. Rannoch indeed was a textbook example for this. Apologetic to his own kind beyond any reason, putting all the blame for every fuckup on others. I´d expect more than that from an adult person, you know.

And you´re basically doing the very same as you have demonstrated in your post above. But it´s not true, not justified to blame "the world" here. Don´t get me wrong, I do know that society isn´t exactly "zoo friendly" but I also see pretty clearly why that is so. I do see what gives society real reason to be so hostile. Something that Rannoch and you obviously can´t .   


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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by 30-30 - 11-19-2018, 02:13 AM

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