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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

5 hours ago, covfefelake said:

I know...  and I know Rannoch was a zoophile, BTW.  But what I was saying is I guess conceptually i have no issue with straight bestiality either as long as it is consensual.  That doesn't make sense to ostracize one while accepting another, logically speaking.

Hey, fair play and good point really. With animals I do get a bit emotional and passionate on the subject. I've seen some shitty people do some very shitty things to creatures we share our homes and world with. Not to mention even members of my own family that just basically see them as dumb food machines.

It's just so disappointing. I'd give anything to have some more time with my shepherd, but I can't dwell on the past for matters like that. It's just.. well, his personality was what actually make me like animals and dogs in  general: it was him who showed and sort of 'validated' my attraction too.

I'm harsh on outright Bestiality too simply because of places like BeastForum. People going on and saying shit like 'Yeah, pound that bitch pussy good!' when she's clearly yelping in pain or desperately wriggling to try and get away. Seem that in a few videos. Or the male dogs who growl, whimper and go completely submissive when anally penetrated... They just keep right on'a' fuckin'! Or the story 30-30 told me several posts up in this thread.. Heartbreaking all across the board..

So my hostility wasn't really directed your way entirely, and I'm glad to know you really can see things our way: not a lot of outsiders do.

Oh, and to 30-30, I'm going to be a bit sharp in the tongue here...

We may have some common ground discovered and similar feelings about our animals.. But I do have to say your views are definitely twisted. Some of reality lines up with you whereas it feels like some of it you make up to be a pessimist. I have red and even re-red some of your posts a time or two.

Which, brings me to another tough pill to swallow with you, I get the feeling because you are an 'older' zoo, an 'OG', you can lecture people on society, reality and Zoophilia as a whole.

I may not be as old as you, nor have been through as rough of times, but we are all different, we all see things differently. I'm just as stubborn as you, more so most likely. I also do have experience with the struggles and the downsides of my attraction and life choices, so I don't really appreciate being 'sat down' like you attempted in Silverwolf's thread to tell me 'how reversal of ineffective laws was stupid', or that 'we need regulations and to be watched'. I'm 31, but I'm no moron. I also don't have the answers to all the questions either.

One more thing: I know it happens, but why the hell are you constantly assuming a 'fake death' and 'alt accounts' and shit ? I know you and Rannoch had a bit of a beef but shouldn't you just leave a sleeping dog lie after a while? That's a top-tier grade A asshole move to come on and pull that crap (I know, sounds like moral posturing...), this forum isn't the place for that kind of thing anyways IMHO. Every time you bring up the 'alt accounts of Rannoch' or 'sounds like a fake death to me' (yes, I'm paraphrasing a good deal here..) I lose a little more of the shakey respect I've started to gain for you.

You have rational points, and even information I was not privy to: and for that I thank you for sharing. But again isn't there a time and  place to let something go and -not- be an asshole? Like I said, let a sleeping dog lie, we're in this together by the way. Like it or not.



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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by WinterGreenWolf - 11-19-2018, 05:54 AM

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