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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

Alright, I sense a warning coming my way, but whatever. I'm sick of this....

There you go -again- 30-30, not really conveying anything and trying to be condescending in six novels worth of text. I don't *need* to walk a life in someone's shoes to see that they are just genuinely being an asshole.

This is what -I- se ebetween you and covfefelake: this guy s an *outsider* and you treat him this way? Seriously? You still act like everyone needs to have -everu- single little thing 'explained' to them as if they're fucking ten, enough!

Also, if you think our 'community', our group of people are so bad: 'stupid', 'idiots', 'beastialists', no need for activism......

Why are you here? Why are you 'wallowing among the filth' as it were? Why not go be with your Mare(s)? Why waste the time, ideals and keystrokes if everyone thinks you graduated from Dickhead University?

See this is what aggrivates me about you, -every single thread- you come in, post, and end up in an argument with someone. You -always- take things *way* too far. You did this shit in my last thread, you did it in SW's 'public relations' thread trying to point out how I was flawed in reversing useless laws, and basically about how I needed to 'relate to society better'.

You know what, fuck society at large, I don't need to adopt every whining, sniveling cry for help and think of the children, I don't -want- to know the social politics about every little thing that goes on.

All I want to do, here or anywhere.. Is try to form a -somewhat- stable community for *US*, the people who can truly embody Zoophilia, and those who want to understand it.. A place with sane rules and regulations (this one fits the bill well) about what can and cannot be posted. A place that's not just another bestiality smut shop Then we can start reaching out.

Whenever someone brings it up though you throw a fucking temper tantrum and cry like a little baby: 'we're not oppressed at all!', 'Activism is terrible!', 'shut up, don't say anything', 'I'm right because ninties!'.

Look, I'm getting angry, and I know it. I'm just sick of a bit of insight followed by two metric tons of bullshit, fake death insults, and condescending anyone who questions you.

So I ask you again, if this is so terrible: we have all these 'aspies' (that's a fucking horrible insult to people who actually suffer a mental disability by the way: I have a good friend in the UK with an autistic daughter who's one of the nicest young ladies I've spoken to, that was the final straw that set me on fire.. One of them...) faking shit and terrible activists: why are you here?

I know I'm not perfect, I know the community is -far- from perfect, but we have a slight chance I feel: it's called optimism... It's also called passion... Something I haven't lost in thirty-one years.

I was at death's door when I was born: a premature birth who's been blind from day one... I know how to fight and I'm sure as hell not giving up now. Especially since this lifestyle, this attraction is with me forever more now. I will not give up, even if I have to sit down and talk to one person at a time until I'm nintey.

Now, as I know it's comming: let the warnings and lock commense, I know SW is probably going to do so.

I'm sorry Silverwolf, but this whole mess is getting ridiculous. Also, I will call someone out for being an idiot or an outright asshole, period.


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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by WinterGreenWolf - 11-20-2018, 05:26 AM

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