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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate...

41 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

Oh my gosh, you´re making way too much of a drama out of this. So, to answer your most important question, I´m still "in here" solely for one reason: to be here if someone who really needs a helping hand is coming in. You know , I have about 15 other zoos I keep steady contact to, mostly people like my cow loving friend whom I pulled out of BF just before he a) killed himself and/ or b) outright exploded due to the immense harm that was done to him by the so called community when he lost his sow. For those few who need me, with all my "assholian" views and approaches.

  Would it soothe your anger if I told you that I was quite similarly energised as you obviously are when I was in my twenties? I´ve been where you are now. But then, 25 more years "happened", 25 years of constant setback, of disappointment dealt to me by what I understood as "my community". I´ve seen too many of those who are using/abusing the ideals behind zoophilia as a comfy shield when under external fire, but kicking ´em to the gutter the very same moment their pants got unzipped. The madness of "having principles" as long as they suit you well... if they´re not , well, basically fuck ´em. 

You have all the rights to call me an asshole, I don´t even object to being called that. You do you, you´re entitled to your own opinion. I won´t stop you from that, but I bet you will be thinking different about me and my assholery if you have more mileage on your own meter.

Say, can you imagine why I propose becoming "invisible"? What if I told you that I absolutely am FOR intelligent activism, but NOT at this moment right now? If you want to calm a water surface, you cannot keep swinging the sledgehammer at it, right? But exactly that is what all "activism" is doing right now, with all of the fencehoppers caught, with incidents like the Kero one, with the massive burden Pinyan unloaded on us, with Spink, the Espenau case, Aluzky, WarCanine who has said plain and frankly that he will openly advocate "zoophilia" in the worst possible way on reddit, only to screw us over...I could go on with more examples that undermine every halfway decent activism right now, these cases , some more, some less, will and do stick in Joe Average´s mind like chewing gum in curly hair. To reverse that, we have to go underground, let everything calm down for maybe a decade or so. And I even can back up this with actual evidence... before the so called "anti zoo" law, the German anti zoo scene was very present, very loud and completely united. After the installment of the law, all of that quickly dissolved entirely, not only because their basic demand of making "zoophilia" illegal was met, but also because the once unified anti scene began to break up into tiny fractions. The more moderate ones were content with how the German law was shaped, others wanted it to be upgraded from misdemeanor to a felony with obligatory incarceration and Germany´s most prominent, but least literate anti zoo Carsten Thierfelde proved to be the perfect poison for the anti scene by honestly implying that he´d only be content if anyone, even people who voiced the least bit of understanding towards zoophiles and zoophilia, was outright executed at sight. Sometimes, the best way to win a war is NOT to fight it and let your enemies kill each other instead. A foesseeable outcome, if you consider the sectarian nature of the anti scene. And then, Kiok and Burdinski (ZETA) as their main targets disappeared all of a sudden, partially because of what I posted to them...remove the targets of hate and the "anti activists", only bound to each other by what they hate, naturally started infighting. Now we are in 2018, the once vocal antis have crawled back into the holes they jumped out prior to 2013 (the year the anti zoo law was installed).  I always was sure that we have to adapt guerrilla strategies in order to improve our chances, especially when fighting with the "opposition", whose hate excesses and outlandish claims how "zoophiles" should be treated ("castrate ´em all with a rusty nail! Gaschambers!!)  maybe drove off more people from their creed to "end zoophilia" than anything our side could have done. Guerrilla tactics: if you fight with an enemy that outpowers and outnumbers you by large, just don´t commit to an open battle. They cannot shoot at targets that aren´t visible, aren´t there. You don´t go on a fuckin´ "pro zoo crusade" with a fuckin´ handful of folks, against a large number of "enemies"...you don´t do a "Leeroy Jenkins"...well, at least if you are in possession of a functioning brain. That´s what is behind my proposal of shutting up, locking the door and quitting social media as a "zoophilia advocator". I too want change, but I prefer to work out tactics and strategies that take more into consideration than my own demands, wishes and hopes. I also observe the "enemy" and try to identify his weak spot. One knife blade, set onto the right throat at the right time, is a million times more effective than entire armies. Hassan I Sabbah, the leader of the Hashishin, the oriental sect of assassins (yes, it doesn´t sound similar by accident), said that...and I agree fullheartedly with him. We cannot afford to go in heads first, we cannot outpower our enemies, we cannot outgun them, so the only viable and logic option is to outsmart them.  Undertand my point now, WGW? Has the anger decreased a bit? Anger is a good motivator, but a bad comrade in battle. Be smarter. Smarter than those who tried to "educate society" before you,learn from their mistakes, don´t replicate them. My firm belief: we need to let the waters calm down before we ever re engage with society in battles over "zoophilia". It´s so much a matter of timing, being a guerrilla, let alone an EFFECTIVE guerrilla,  demands patience as the very first and most essential virtue. Be patient. Wait for the right time. This is not the right time. Wait. And don´t forget to enjoy your life with your animal companion in the meantime.  

Okay, I am quoting you because this is a *direct* response to you!

I'll admit, I was pretty rash, maybe a bit too much so. But I've got something to say, and you're damn well going to listen...

I do *not* want to hear another word from you on 'old zoo', on 'a lot more miles' because I could give a shit less.

What I am pissed off at you over, is the fact that virtually every debate or conversation you get involved in boils to a stupid argument revolving around insults and how terrible the community is. That gets real old, real quick. I'll have you know as well, I've been through a lot of the same shit you have and then some. Hell I barely skate by some days in one piece it feels like.

The threads I make, are for my own opinions, and for information on topics that could be quite important for *all* of us, not one, two or a whole board of beastialists.

Hell, we were doing just fine until you and covfefelake decided to have your pissing match, in my thread none the less. I don't go to your threads and pick fights with people 30-30, matter of fact apart from pointing out your assholery to you I don't think I've picked a fight with -anyone- here  other than WarCanine, and even then he dug his own grave here.

Listen, I want to like you: and in a lot of ways I do, but you have fucking *got* to stop turning every argument or someone who disagrees with you in to a shit show. You and covfefelake earned a warning already and my little outburst will earn me one for sure. But I've just had it.

I concede to you on offering a helping hand, I try very much to do the same if you remember me saying: and no, your older age will not quell the anger, the absolute hatred for some of the positively idiotic people I've ran across over the years involving *us* as a whole.

I don't want to block you, and I want to even continue to get some insight from you and hopefully *give* you some of my own, you haven't 'lived everything' and neither have I.

But for gods sake mate if you want to piss in the wind with someone could you take it to PMs or something? You two can swear, rant, rave, talk it out and hug and make up: without destroying a thread and spreading a bunch of depressive bullshit among what is some useful information. For example what you told me about Ken, the origin of the word 'Zoophilia / Zooophile' and what matters to you about those definitions.

That was excellent information and a nice glimpse of what my 'fellow zoos' are like.

THe pissing matches have got to come to an end though, else I'll have no choice but to avoid you like I did WC before he received the final nail in the coffin.

Also, a bit of a personal gripe here: but could you -please- stop blurbing about Greek mythology, Oriental saints, and old proverbs ? What's wrong with stating your own opinions on something without referencing some archaic text or ancient saint?

To answer one of your other questions, no.. I'm still pretty damn hot right now... I just popped back in to check the 'status' of this little matter.

I'm honestly pissed at both you and covfefelake in some ways.. I get fucking tired of seeing you two spat with each other, it's depressing as all hell and I'm going to take it at face-value and say he really is an outsider. If that is indeed the case then treating them (the outside) this way isn't a way to 'calm the waters' either. It merely starts more shit and makes us look worse, again.

As a quick aside, I didn't say the above for 'activism' sake, but we do need all the help we can get. At least for the hopes of some day not having to be so paranoid. Even without throwing our love lives on the internet (which I disagree with anyways, you know this...).



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'Small' vs. 'Big' Zoo communities: and the Great Porn Debate... - by WinterGreenWolf - 11-20-2018, 09:22 AM

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