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Zooporn dead online?

"The possibility for monetarization dried up": Is this a bad thing? I mean, exactly that monetarisation is what made "zoo sex" popular beyond our tiny "special interest" group, made us into an issue for governments and last, but not least, sold us and our orientation out to the fetishists and bored "normals" searching for "a new drug". 

"Sadly this isn´t the 90s free for all internet anymore": Well, nostalgia surely is something. But that doesn´t make the nostalgic feelings correct; the 90s internet wasn´t a "free for all" internet, it took a fair amount of computer knowledge to properly connect and adjust the ports, the modem, etc. pp. What made the 90s internet so pleasant was that it kept out the most stupid folks by that tech savvyness required to properly set up everything. And the average download rates made trading animal porn like it is done today almost impossible. Remember when you had to wait hours for a 100 MB vid? And may I remind you that even in the 90s, uploading kiddie porn got you in trouble for sure? 

"...credit card companies may not allow their services on animal porn": Well, since we´re talking about illegal activities, any credit card company allowing it would make itself guilty as well, isn´t it? You could also bemoan that you cannot sell coke with the help of ccc´s...

"There´s still a few left"... We´ll see for how long. I expect the next step of the "anti zoo" efforts to be a purge of the surface net from animal porn, like they did with all the kiddie stuff. I remember how sickening it was back in the nineties to plow through a shitton of spam mails advertising all kinds of weird, disgusting and violent sex, including animal and kiddie stuff. And as a practicing zoophile, I actually would welcome such a purge as it would remove one of the biggest, if not the biggest reason for our orientation´s bad reputation, linking us zoos to criminals making illegal money with illegal pornography. What you call "amateur stuff" is objectively seen still a crime as uploading and distributing animal porn is a criminal offense in 90% of all countries that could get you in jail. 

Back in the 90s, I visited the Netherlands a couple of times. You cannot imagine how shocked I was when visiting an Amsterdam sex shop, with animal porn VHS cassettes openly displayed and sold legally. My shock even grew bigger when I saw what kind of people had an interest in this type of vids...and shock maximisation was achieved by finding some flyers laying next to the videos advertising "live animal sex shows" in Amsterdam´s red light district. If this is "freedom", it´s only freedom to suck out our orientation like vampires. I don´t see anything bad from animal porn companies getting kicked out of business by ccc´s. Even the friggin´ laissez faire Netherlands made animal porn illegal, for good reasons. I applaud any effort to make the surface net animal porn free as it will undeniably give us zoos another chance to gain some ground once the next generation of normals isn´t confronted with animal porn professionally monetarised, giving away all the good reasons to ban any sexual activity with animals for free and only a few clicks away. 


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