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Zooporn dead online?

1 hour ago, Eagle said:

Its quite simple:  when you denigrate someone based on their race, religion (such as you have with Muslims) or other irrelevancy (including sexual orientation).

You have forgotten the lessons of WW2 and Jim Crow and are repeating the very same ill mindset, and in so doing you are helping to perpetuate those evils.  You claim there's no "social darwinism" mindset at the same time you declare its opposition to be absurd and the cause of all the world's problems (demonizing everyone except you is very classic fascism).

The "extreme left" only seems extreme when bigotry and fascism are your norm, which is where you are stuck and you keep regressing along with way too many people to the far right, back to the era of the dark ages and holy wars.

You have less than zero cause to complain about being oppressed.

Allright, I see I got you triggered. If someone is not extreme left, he must be automaticly extreme right... this is exactly that extreme hysteric mindset that will turn this world to ashes. No possible discussion without drifting into pathos and personal attacks.

I consider myself to be in the middle, I just observe what is happening. You are the one who pushes me into this role. 

My country was communist. We already had secret police, hunting down people who aren't conform to the political mainstream.

I bet you would've no problem, If I've written christian conservatives instead of islam. And no, I don't said muslims, I said islam. And that's a religion that has to tolerate criticism or we're going back into the middle ages and no, muslims are NO race. And muslims aren't opressed in the western world. Stop turning them into fake victims. Coming up with WW2 and Jim Crow is simply extremly stupid and belongs into another century. You simply have no idea what you're talking about and what really where the causes of the rise of the Nazis.

I see my country change every day a little bit more with islamic political groups getting stronger and stronger, demanding more and more special rights, and NO, I don't let you call me a nazi or fascist or whatever if I don't applause to this. It's not about the individuum, it's about the masses. And people driven by mass dynamics can and will turn into beast. Off course I would prefer if we all could happily sing around a rainbow bonfire, but that's simply not how humanity works. The group with the strongest identity bonds will simply dominate all other and will decide what's right and wrong considering their values. And sorry, that won't be the childless masses of liberal leftists that ruled over the western world since the 60s. It's simply math and sociology, cold and logic.


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