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Zooporn dead online?

1 hour ago, Eagle said:

I'm triggered because you've defined yourself as fascist.

Islam has 1.8 billion followers in the world, and you identified its spread as something that's a problem to eradicate.  If you actually bothered to look up Islam versus Muslim, you'd see a Muslim is someone whom follows the religion of Islam.

There are some terrible people following that religion, but as a whole they have a very long road to catch up with the innocent blood spilt by Christians.  The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Conquistadores, the literal witch hunts, hell just read the words of the founder of the Lutheran Church, realize that was the dominant sect in Germany and its a no brainer where Hitler got his 'final solution' from.

You single out one religion and its 1.8 billion followers as the problem.  You place yourself with the bigots whom want to ban people for being the wrong religion, denigrate anyone whom doesn't share your extreme opposition to secularism as themselves extreme and a problem, you trigger on the mere existence of anyone different from yourself and yet consider its everyone else that's a problem, not your bigotry.

You are the one demanding special rights, privileged status for the master race and religion and consider equality under the law an unacceptable demand for 'special rights.'

You qualify yourself as a fascist, don't lie about what you are.  If you don't like the term, stop fabricating demonizing propaganda against 1.8 billion people that qualifies you as a fascist.

Where did I said something about a master race? Please, search for a psychatrist, you clearly fabricating your strewman arguments based on a psychologic problem.

Are you joking? Islam is by far the number one blood spilling religion and ideology of all time, with 300+ millions killed (number 2 is, Christianity and Communism with over 100 million each). The quoran is full of commandments to kill nonbelievers, apostates and minorities and that's no simple text to be interpred, that's the word of God, dictated by the angel Gabriel to Mohammad. Criticizing the quoran is heresy and is to be punished by death, that's a simple fact. Every people on earth have to be converted or be killed. In the creation concept of Fitra, every man is born as a muslim. But not staying one will taint his humanity, because human=muslim. So nonbelievers (Kufr) are a stain in the creation of God and have to be purged or cleaned. Dhimmi (Bookpeople aka Jews and Christians) have to pay a special protection fee. This all is written quite clearly in the Quoran and the Sunna.

The first crusade was a counterreaction to the islam slaughtering half of the christian world. And no, I don't say christianity is an innocent sheep, but in matter of blood and violence it's a non-contest. And yeah, Inquisition was nasty, especially in spain, but it later became the base for the western justice system. Even acting against the witch hunts who were mainly driven by self proclamed witch hunters and secular courts, not the church.

Where do I demand special rights? Oh, man the next thing you come up with is propably white patriarchy...

By the way, Fascism is an ideology, based on the idea of an nationalistic state and all humanity fighting an eternal war. All industry has always to be in war mode and all have to fight for ressources n stuff because all outsiders are enemies and the people have to create a narrow bond (Fascis). Fascism is NOT an racist ideology. It's a nationalist. In the beginning Mussolini was appose the idea of splitting his people into groups, he was forced by the Nazis, who wheren't fascist, but National Socialists. That was a racist ideology.

And no I AM NEITHER A FASCIST NOR A NATIONAL SOCIALIST. I am classical liberal and I wan't to live under liberal western values, not the Sharia.

There are 1.8 billion muslims on this world. So where are the lots and lots of zoophile muslims in this forum challenging my arguments? I wonder where they are... Really, I invite every believing muslim to discuss with me. But please no narcisstic SJW, NPC, PC Baby, pandering their own ego by stepping in like Robin Hood for the supposedly poor and oppressed to make up for their "white privilege".


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