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A question from a fellow zoo

3 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Yes 'really', that's what he was to me: he was like a significant other to me.. Felt like my better half..  Not meaning to sound cynical but you don't think being a Zoophile is always, and all about sex: do you? Because I know a couple like that whom frequented these very forums.. Anyone who's red, or heard me talk of my experiences knows that I viewed my canine partner in much the same way one views a human lover. I know he isn't, but that's what the connection felt like.

I feel the same way but he cant be a husband if he didnt marry you. i also feel romantically attracted towards him but it doesnt make me his sigifact other, he never gave consent to the relationship so i cant be sure.

3 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Also, how is he not making you happy? Because you two can't just have sex on a whim? Why are you caring for him then? If it's that hollow why not find him a home, companion, or a lover who -will- be happy? Yeah, I'm being harsh now.. But that little comment kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

I still love him but i have fucked up my life a little which makes it hard to enjoy life. id rather not say it because a part of it is also illegal and i dont want to be more of a target then i already am.

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Fencehopping and especially getting caught is doing something stupid.

As i said there are not always risks involved. im more in danger at home because of my family.

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

WHat happens if you get an overly-aggressive dog and get the tar bitten out of you hmm? Gonna sue the owner? "Hey yeah man, I was tryin' ta' fuck your dog and be really fucked my arm up.. Wanna help with the medical bills?...". Look, again I know I'm being cynical.. But you're starting to smell like troll with comments like that. One particular troll I've ran in to before here..

But animals have a clear language. my dog couldve also bitten me at first.

Never heard of a fencehopping where someone got bitten. then just fuck a dog that you know well like i do.

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Do they belong to another Zoophile, has said Zoo given you permission? Are they nearby or distant? I get the feeling the answers to these questions are not going to be good ones.

No but so what? he doesnt live too far away but i know him well.

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Remember, if you end up in the news with dog dick up your poop shoot, you fuck ALL of us just a little bit further: make it harder for us to get any kind of talking points.. Because well: 'there goes another animal fucking Zoophile, just trying to get a piece...'. 

Why are you being so dificult? Im not trying to fight here. I already said the risk is more higher at my home than his so you might as well scold me for doing it with my own dog rather than someone elses..

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

You really don't get it, I said that fucking another dog wouldn't help with you and your lover's problem.. You get sex, but that's all you get.. Not a solution to your problems.. I know damn well dogs usually aren't monogamous... It doesn't speak high of you though, least in this community  if all you want is just a quick lay without any love, devotion, or care for your animal..

I dont see the problem. If sex is not possible with him why should i stay from sex all together? The much times i tried with him is too much and i believe we arent compatable.

Why can fencehoping not involve love? Please tell me because i can actually connect with others dogs. Maybe you cant but i can.

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

THIS, WILL, NOT, HELP, WITH, YOUR, DOG! Just going out, and getting laid by another dog will get -you- laid..

Are you telling other dog owners the same thing? Its not cruel to not let an animal have sex. Most dog owners dont even do that so he already is a lucky dog.

And ill still be giving blowjobs so i dont get what the problem is??? He will still get his rocks off.

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

ou may learn what a tie feels like, what a pulsating doggy-dong is like.. But it will not help solve the issue with your own dog and your own problems -WITH- your lover..

It actually will help him because id be more experienced and know what to expect which means itll be easier to have sex with him ( if he can have sex with me at all ).

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

We are still trying to help as much as we can.. But a dog isn't something to where if they don't perform, you just cast them aside for another.. You simply don't do that.

I'm not going to just out and out let loose on you because it won't solve any problems.. But the post you quoted me in does have my patience a little thin.. Especially since we've all been trying to help you.

Im not putting him aside im just making a normal thoughtful choice. Just a example but if i were to train him as a police dog but he isnt campatable id have to train another dog and then use him for police work. Nothing wrong or bad with that its just how life goes.. you are not clarified to do something theyll choose something else. This doesnt mean im not his lover anymore it just means he cant mount me but ill still get his rocks off for him.

4 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

A lot of our 'older zoos' have admitted to fencehopping in the past, and also to how stupid it was.. I can guarantee you that the majority here are totally against fencehopping for multiple reasons.. Myself included.. Now, if you do not have an animal, are close friends with a local Zoo: and they give you EXPLICIT permission, that's a tad bit different.

I already told you why its not bad. I dont want to make fights but thats not very smart not my fault you hold that opinion for no good reason..

3 hours ago, caikgoch said:


That is a thing i havent thought about but we dont live in a fancy area at all. The dude doesnt even have a computer so i would be surprised. I could always take his dog with me home because its not like i can stay at his home all day.


Messages In This Thread
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A question from a fellow zoo - by caikgoch - 01-06-2019, 02:32 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by threelegs - 01-06-2019, 03:53 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-06-2019, 04:40 AM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-14-2019, 02:09 AM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-14-2019, 06:32 AM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-16-2019, 02:27 AM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-16-2019, 10:04 PM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-18-2019, 10:31 PM
A question from a fellow zoo - by caikgoch - 01-18-2019, 11:22 PM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-20-2019, 02:54 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by caikgoch - 01-20-2019, 03:30 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-20-2019, 04:27 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by mrpaws - 01-20-2019, 07:16 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by mrpaws - 01-20-2019, 07:42 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-20-2019, 08:42 AM
A question from a fellow zoo - by caikgoch - 01-20-2019, 10:32 AM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by mrpaws - 01-20-2019, 08:35 PM
A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-20-2019, 09:24 PM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-21-2019, 08:04 AM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by mrpaws - 01-21-2019, 05:26 PM
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A question from a fellow zoo - by mrpaws - 01-21-2019, 09:39 PM
A question from a fellow zoo - by caikgoch - 01-21-2019, 11:13 PM
A question from a fellow zoo - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-22-2019, 02:21 AM

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