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First off, welcome to the forum, secondly I hope you can understand what I'm saying as it seems English (obviously) isn't your primary language.

I highly suggest you check out the 'Reference Material and Guides' section of this forum, as well as a thread called 'A Question from a fellow Zoo': that thread sort-of turned in to an argument but, it does have some good advice in it.

Let me give you a few things to start off with though. 

1) DO, NOT, get caught, India still has pretty strict laws on that sort of thing if I'm not mistaken.

2) BE CLEAN: That means make sure you've washed yourself well and that he's clean, you do not want to stroke, give oral to, or be mounted by a canine who's wearing 'doggie cologne': that means he's rolled in something pretty damn nasty like feces or a carcass.

3) Learn the anatomy: googling 'Male dog reproductive anatomy', looking at this site (and the section I mentioned earlier) and searching other places online is a good start.

4) Learn his body language: watch for changes  in tail position, ear position and for bared (visible when his lips are pulled back) teeth or a snarl. These could be signs you're either hurting him or he's not comfortable. Some male canines are really submissive as well so they need to be watched extra-close to make sure they are comfortable.

I do have a few things that may help you get started..

One quick point too, don't receive oral or 'kiss' with him if his breath smells bad.. Anything that smells of excrement, rot, or chemicals you do not want near you: especially in somewhere sensitive.

Diseases are rare / nearly impossible to get, parasites are not however. You could easily end up with ringworm, roundworm, hookworm, or even worse bacteria like those that cause Q-Fever if the dog is 'dirty', again this goes back to the 'BE CLEAN' point above. This isn't normally an issue, but considering they are strays and could be eating a lot of 'street junk' they could have anything.

You'll also need some sort of lubricant, Original (ONLY, no scents or special kinds) KY or J Lube (a veterinary lubricant) if you want to give him a handjob, your skin is much rougher than that of his penis and he's very sensitive.. Stroke him too hard or with dry hands and he could even bleed a little, not good.

His sheath is there to protect his sensitive skin from bacteria and abrasion, when you stroke him and he's in the mood he'll try to pull it back as far as he can to expose his entire shaft. Be careful though as even his sheath can be sensitive.

A canine has a bone in the penis called an Os or Baculum. They don't start out erect like humans and will harden when they thrust. They have a large 'knot' at the base of their shaft called the Bulbus Glansis which locks him and a bitch (or you, another male...) together during mating.

Their 'tie' can last up to twenty - forty minutes if there's some pressure on the knot, otherwise they soften quicker. They will continue to pulse and squirt fluid the whole time they are knotted as well and during this time are very sensitive to touch: with hands that means lots of lube and gentle strokes / squeezes, with mouth that means no teeth or piercings.. If he's mounted you just stay still and let him do his thing.

A note too: if you get mounted, especially anally a dog's knot and shaft can be very big.. Knots can be the size of an orange or bigger in some cases with a total shaft length of up to a foot! So if you take him you'd better be ready, especially since he's going to hump pretty hard.

I really recommend you read those guides I mentioned and do some homework, I've just covered the -very- basics here as you seem completely new to the subject.

- Best of luck and feel free to ask questions: also, I hate to sound mean, but please don't be a troll... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":(" width="20" />

-- Pleas, please also remember that an animal is not a sex-toy. They are living, breathing beings with feelings like your own. If you are able: take in one of the strays to call your own if you wish him to be a lover too.. Give him a good home, warm bed, lots of love and a clean life.. 

- Don't just 'sleep around' with someone else's animal either, if you know it belongs to someone avoid it at all costs.. Most all of us don't condone 'fence hopping' at all (sleeping around with someone's animal and not telling them) as it can cause problems for you, the other person, and the animal in question.

- Stay safe and good luck. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


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Strays - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-25-2019, 08:38 PM
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Strays - by beastdog - 01-29-2019, 05:26 PM
Strays - by WinterGreenWolf - 01-29-2019, 10:27 PM

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