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PROOF INCONTROVERTIBLE DNA is used to prosecute bestiality

14 minutes ago, doge1 said:

Agree with all the points here... But  I can attest to THIS. Sorry if I sound like I may be diverting the topic here... But just wanted to put something up that I experienced. I find it better if new zoos are wanting to meet and know each other, is just meeting in a casual way. I've met a few primarily online, and one I've met over video chat with skype. I know that's one big step to trust, but from getting to know him, we've both had about similar bad times in our past, which I won't get into for privacy sake of course.


Oh trust me, I want to meet more Zoos: would love to meet some RL.. I was referring to more casual setup as well. The kinds of meeting I was saying to avoid were the BF style: I've known you for two weeks, let's meet and fuck my dog! That sort of thing...

17 minutes ago, doge1 said:

But I'm saying good luck to one roommate who just let one person come by who was from BF. A guy who now I haven't heard anything about, never came by or stayed to get to know each other and the roommate being the lazy guy possible not saying anything if he heard from him or talked to him. As it seems he's one of the typical BF guys who just wants to boink something because he's horny. But in his hard head he doesn't get the "let's get to know people" before we start having sexy fun time. It seems like something I should worry about, but if shit hits the fan, it'll just fall on the person that started the whole convo... My roommate! As he's already had a record (not zoo related). I mean, he doesn't care that all his content is shared everywhere..... *shrugs*


This is exactly the type (stereotype? Your roommate and the BF guy...) of people who not only give us a terrible name, but put every last one of us at risk. I'm not keen on it, but share an animal as long as there's boundries, and the animal doesn't care. Pick up a stray if they are clean enough looking and don't eppear diseased.. But for gods sake, don't shack up with someone off some random website for sex! Especially if there's videos / pics involved.. I will always give new Zoos (even if it means they don't trust / like ME) the D.T.A. guidelines: DON'T, TRUST, ANYBODY! Unless they can either hold a decent conversation, are willing to listen, or find some other way to prove themselves that you can accept.


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PROOF INCONTROVERTIBLE DNA is used to prosecute bestiality - by WinterGreenWolf - 02-03-2019, 04:36 AM

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