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Got one I'm working on. Here's the start.

Of course all the usual warning about this containing "Zoo Sex" and if you don't like.

Then Smeg off

Copyright 2019


Pan 1

    Bill, as everyone called him, was standing in the family barn. It was his now... Had been for the past decade. He inherited it from his dad, who got it from his dad, and so forth. Bill, like his dad before him, had made sure to keep it in good repair. In fact the very spot he was standing on, was the same spot his father stood on when he was shagging sheep. Like father like son, Bill thought.

    It was fall. The season when sheep and goats.. and deer for that matter, mated. Bill would let his ram in with the ewes later. He didn't like to breed too early, because the ewes would be dropping lambs in the middle of snow storms. Never fails.

    He had a small herd. 30 or so. All pure bred Suffolk. Enough to keep himself and, when the time came, the ram busy. Putting up hay, schlepping bags of feed, cleaning out stalls. Most all of the girls were calm around him. No panicked fleeing and bleating. Some were down right friendly. Like Rosie standing in front of him.  Her black face and head, stood in stark contrast to her white wool. Head slightly turned so she could calmly watch him. Bill had just finished fore-play with the ewe. Like her head and legs, the area around her vulva was covered in the same short black fur. Her dark chocolate lips glistened in the light coming from a lamp high in the barn. She stood, without a halter, on a low platform. Another family heirloom. He had inherited a lot. Money, vintage cars, and the farm that went back many generations. Another thing inherited, was the love of fucking sheep. 

    He was 15 when his dad caught him masturbating in an empty sheep stall.

    "Come with me". Was all his said.

    While his dad never said anything about it, he knew several boys from school that had been punished for the act. So Bill didn't know what to think while trailing after his father.

    "Stand there". His father told him, pointing to a corner of the barn, next to a low platform they used to trim the show sheep. He then opened a pen with two ewes they had washed earlier, for tomorrow's sheep show.

    "I'll show you why the men in this family never abuse themselves". Leading one of the ewe's to his son. "Hold her". And the other he led to the platform, which he hopped up on. Then he started to pet the sheep. Bill was more then a little confused. He petted her on the neck, scratched around her ears. Working his way along her back to her tiny nub of a tail, all the time speaking softly to her. Rubbing the area above the tail, Bill saw her lift her head and her lips wiggle in enjoyment to the butt scratching. "What a good girl you are." Turning to his son and pointing to her head, "See how she enjoys this.... I can make her do the same thing by rubbing a different part of her".

    Bill's mind was spinning. Why was his father showing him this? Had he forgotten about him masturbating? Bill had done this very thing several time. Finding just the right spot to make a sheep waggle it's lips and tongue is near ecstasy.

    Then his father unsnapped his overalls and let them drop to the barn floor. Bill just sort of froze up. He didn't move, he didn't speak, he didn't even blink. He just stared at his father, who had nearly a fully erect dick in just those few moments. His father then reached over to were a cross brace for the barn was mounted. It not only held the barn siding on, but made a narrow shelf they kept the brushes, combs,  scissors, for getting the sheep ready for show, and a pump bottle that Bill's dad now reached over to and pumped some kind of thickish, liquidly, clear stuff into his hand. Which he quickly slathered over his penis.

    "Always use lube", he stated. And without further ado, he aimed his cock at the ewe and plunged the tip between her pussy lips. Bill figured the un tethered ewe would jump foreword, but the ewe just stood there... No, she was pushing back forcing more of his dad's cock into her cunt. The inward stroke ended with his father's balls bumping against the animal's rear.  

    "Oh this is much better then your hand, son".

    And just like that, Bill's father shagged a sheep right in front of him. And sure enough, she lifted her head and her lips waggled. When he was done, he pulled out, his human cum slowly dripped out of the ewe's cunt. Putting his overalls back on, he led the sheep back to her stall. Then he went to where Bill was holding the second ewe and led her over to the platform, and she too hopped up on it and stood waiting. He turned, looked at his son and said, "Well I'll give you two some privacy". Then he walked out of the barn.

    Several years and several really good sheep later... 

    Bills overalls hung on a peg, the old bottle had been changed, to a new one, when the pump broke. With his circumcised dick coated in a thin layer of lube, he turned to the waiting ewe. The purple bell shaped glans, slid between the animal's labial lips, making them form a round opening for his shaft to glide into.

    "Ohhh... Good girl". The human moaned as she pushed back into him at full penetration. People that said sheep can't consent, don't know sheep. Mares have that big 'winking' cunt, to flash. Bitches, flag their tails and show off big swollen, 'baboon pussies. To a ewe the height of being, 'coy and sexy', is to stand still. Bill always love that first push in. The snug walls of the ewe's vagina hugged his cock. Since human cock was thicker then a ram's, intense pleasure was afforded to both man and beast. That's why she wiggles her lips and tongue. Pulling slowly out, Bill felt every fold and bump. Then the slide back in...

    The human had his hands lightly on Rosie's hips, just to keep everything aligned. He was picking up speed to a steady fuck rhythm. Again the ewe stood stock still as Bill's hips repeatedly bumped into her woolly haunches. Her warm animal cunt glided around his cock as he fucked her.

    Ranch life kept the human's body in great shape. Strong legs, powered his hips, as his cock, like a well oiled piston, stroked in and out of the slick sheep pussy. First few times, Bill hardly lasted 10 seconds, now he was able to go that many minutes and more. Looking down he could watch as his thick cock, compared to a ram's dick, slid in and out of the sheep's labial lips. Even though Rosie had two sets of twins, she was still stretched around his hard penis, they still were able to flex with the passage of his cock. Each stroke made the little finger of flesh at the bottom of her vulva to flip up, causing her clitoris to be rubbed against the bottom of the human's dick. This is what made the ewe bliss out, and willing stood for Bill's fucking. Human and animal both floated in their own little world of lust and joy, as he continued to rock his hips back and forth. The sheep was putting out her own lubricant, that added to what Bill had put on. The whole sloppy mixture coated his stiff cock and the area around the animal's sex. The bestial sound of their fucking was clearly heard above the sounds of the other sheep in the barn. Bill stared blankly at the cream colored wool on the ewe's back.

    "What a good girl... god you feel wonderful". Bill's voice was a husky whisper.

    Rising lust made the human stroke his cock faster into the warm snug sheep cunt. 

    "Oh FUCK Rosie..." Bill pounded her even faster... Leaning his body over the animal's back... Breathing came in ragged gasps...  Shorter strokes... Then he slammed in hard, and held himself tight in her. His thick, whitesh human cum jetted from his piss-slit, sending his seed deep into the ewe's cunt. His breathing slowed, as the last of his issue slowly oozed from his cock. Leaning his head back, with closed eyes... He said.

    "Thank you Pan"... Ever since Bill had learned about the various old world gods and especially  Pan, who was the god of fields and forests and was connected to fertility.  Half man and half goat. 

    He figured if any deity was going to look favorably on a sheep shagger, it would be him.


    "You're welcome".


Messages In This Thread
Pan - by Ramseys - 02-11-2019, 09:24 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 02-12-2019, 01:35 PM
Pan - by farellfoxx - 02-13-2019, 03:14 AM
Pan - by Old Zoo - 02-23-2019, 10:04 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 02-24-2019, 01:24 PM
Pan - by Bear28 - 02-26-2019, 08:08 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 04-06-2019, 01:07 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 04-06-2019, 12:07 PM
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Pan - by Ramseys - 04-07-2019, 04:41 AM
Pan - by threelegs - 04-07-2019, 05:17 AM
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Pan - by heavyhorse - 04-07-2019, 02:45 PM
Pan - by Old Zoo - 04-07-2019, 07:13 PM
Pan - by Bear28 - 04-08-2019, 04:45 AM
Pan - by Ramseys - 04-29-2019, 05:36 AM
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Pan - by heavyhorse - 05-03-2019, 11:45 AM
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Pan - by heavyhorse - 11-23-2019, 01:46 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 07-18-2022, 12:06 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 09-17-2019, 08:14 AM

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