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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General

3 hours ago, Thunder-Bay-Syd said:

. When I adopted my current girl I went about seeing how she'd respond to sexual play after she'd had a couple weeks to settle in and despite her immediate positive reception it took just over two weeks of play to gently stretch her out enough to take me. This isn't an attempt on my part to proclaim how massive I am in that department but just a simple reality that is rarely spoken about for some reason - most virgin bitches cannot physically accommodate a human male right away.


Very, very true, and something for EVERY inexperienced zoo to keep in mind. You can quite quickly ruin any chances of a pleasurable experience for both of you or a long term relationship by trying to rush things. Tippy initiated our first time, and was surprisingly accommodating, leaving me wondering today if she wasn't already 'zoo' before I rescued her but Shadow took months after we decided to become lovers before we went for full vaginal sex. After the first few times she was as accommodating as her grandmother though. I've been with a few other bitches, before Tippy. Even if they have had multiple litters they are NOT going to easily take a human penis right away. Not as a rule IMO, not unless they JUST had puppies which is not a time to screw them. Take your time, and let them take theirs.



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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General - by silverwolf1 - 03-19-2019, 09:40 PM

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