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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General

It's usually my girl who initiates sex. She shows it by presenting her butt and partly lifting her tail. She can be insistent about it!

At first I asked myself if I was misreading the signal and maybe starting sex with her when all she wanted was affection, but when it's buttscratches she wants, she solicits them differently, by casually leaning the side of her butt against my knee. When she wants her pussy played with, she's more intense about it: she offers her back end directly and looks round her shoulder at me with a specific soft-eyed expression. By now I've learned that that look means she's ready to get humpy the  moment I stroke her clitoris, where normally it takes a little while if she hasn't solicited me first.

Unlike some folks, we're not particularly romantic after sex. We may play a little, but in my current home that's tricky because it's hard to be certain the neighbours won't notice some aspect of a guy playing with the dog while sporting a wet erection. So mostly I'll want to wash myself, and she'll want to wash us both, and mostly I'll just end up petting her fur on the bed while she licks everything in sight, and that's our aftercare.


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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General - by Wolf Seeks Dog - 03-19-2019, 09:53 PM

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