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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General

Since I happen to prefer big strong males, let me give you a view from the other side.   Once a male of any species figures out which buttons to push to get himself an orgasm, he will push them at every available opportunity.   With many, like my current (a stallion), simply not saying "No" quickly and forcefully will be treated as an invitation to foreplay.   I have to admit that a lot of this is my own fault.   It's not easy for me to walk away when that much raw sexual energy gets aimed in my direction.   He knows that if he can get me to a certain point, we are going to fuck until I fall over.

What is most different about the equine point of view is that sex and affection are not really commingled.   Lust is primarily another kind of hunger to be quickly and efficiently satisfied.   Mutual orgasms provide superior stimulation but things happen so fast that they aren't a fast rule.   Affection is more about trust and companionship.   "I've got your back" is probably the ultimate expression of equine love.


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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General - by caikgoch - 03-20-2019, 02:13 AM

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