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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General

13 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

Once a male of any species figures out which buttons to push to get himself an orgasm, he will push them at every available opportunity. 

Sounds about right. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

17 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

What is most different about the equine point of view is that sex and affection are not really commingled....Affection is more about trust and companionship.   "I've got your back" is probably the ultimate expression of equine love.

I love this about horses. Have you ever felt that this was something that was unequal with your stallion partners? Do you have to trust him more than he trusts you? Or do you feel like you're in a marish kind of leadership role for him, and thus things are kind of different but equal?

5 hours ago, Wolf Seeks Dog said:

Unlike some folks, we're not particularly romantic after sex. We may play a little, but in my current home that's tricky because it's hard to be certain the neighbours won't notice some aspect of a guy playing with the dog while sporting a wet erection. So mostly I'll want to wash myself, and she'll want to wash us both, and mostly I'll just end up petting her fur on the bed while she licks everything in sight, and that's our aftercare.

I think that's a totally reasonable approach and really sweet in its simplicity.

Thunder and silverwolf, I really appreciated all of your great insights. Thank you for all the detail. It seems to me that there is a lot of variability and that it's hard to generalize when it comes to female canines. They seem to be very individual on the zoo relationship front. Clearly, though, there can be a lot of initiative on both partners' parts and that they take to different mates pretty readily. I'm really surprised that most don't seem to like "doggy style" all that much!

Also I totally agree with Thunder and partly what caikgoch has said: sex doesn't necessarily have to be tied to a very close bond affection-wise, but I still do think that can be greatly enhanced by such a thing. Maybe that's mostly a human tendency, though.


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Solicitation vs. Being Solicited, and Courtship in General - by Equilibera - 03-20-2019, 03:27 AM

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