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Deadly Class has a zoophile as a main character, but he's a bad guy :(

There is this show on Scy Fy called Deadly class, I really like it...until the villain is revealed as a zoophile, like a genuine zoo. He was in love with a dog, his dad found out and made him take his dog partner out back and kill them. Because of that, he turned into a serial killer psychopath. It's fucking ridiculous, everything else was legit up until that point of the show, like it could be believable because the characters were all pretty well done. But this guy, his face is all fucked up, he calls himself "fuck face", he's a Joe Dirt style redneck biker stereotype. I'm surprised they didn't turn this guy into a meth addict, because he acts just like one too.

The characters (good guys) mission in the show is to catch the evil psycho zoophile, and so to do that, they needed another psycho to get inside his head so to speak, and at first the psycho refused until the (good guys) tell him that said bad guy is a zoophile, and even that psycho killer finds it repulsive and that's the motive that peaks the helper psycho's interest in helping the (good guys) catch the bad guy zoophile.


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Deadly Class has a zoophile as a main character, but he's a bad guy :( - by UntamedAnomaly - 03-22-2019, 07:29 AM

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