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<p style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#353c41;font-size:14px;">
Of course all the usual warning about this containing "Zoo Sex" and if you don't like.

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Then Smeg off

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Copyright 2019


Part 2

    Bill sort of blanked out for a few moments. His chest hurt from hyperventilating. He was leaning against the barn wall... 

    'He couldn't have heard a voice... Could he'?

    His vision lost it's swirling black spots...

    There was someone... Something?  Standing among the sheep that were milling about the barn.

    Recognition of the form slowly formed in his head.

    A Faun... 

    "Pan"? Was all the human could croak out.

    "Sorry, I have that effect on some people". That voice was the most soothing thing he's ever heard. "I'll wait a bit for you to catch your breath". Pan smiled and stepped out from the milling sheep herd. Once out in the open area of the barn, he turned slightly to give the human a good full look of him. Horns erupted from high on his forehead and swept back to form a curl around his elongated ears. The blond hair on his head looked more like the goat fur that covered his legs. Eyes were golden and goat like. The goatee looked human enough. The parts that weren't covered in hair, was a bronze color. like someone that spent most of their day outside in the sun. 'Six pack abs', and muscular arms, indicated that this god worked out. The goat hair on his lower half was jet black. So black it was hard to see the equality black, large goat scrotum, that was covered in shorter black fur. But his cock look mostly human, just longer. An animated goat tail sprouted from the base of his spine, and cloven hoofs left no doubt that he was part goat.

Save for a wine skin slung over one shoulder, he was naked.

    Rosie, still dripping Bill's cum, hopped off the stand and went over to the strange being. Giving a happy sounding bleat, she rubbed her face against his thigh. She seamed to find the goat hair wonderful. Another ewe from the flock, joined Rosie in sniffing and rubbing her face on him.

    "Ok Rosie, that's enough, go over and join your herd mates". The half man, half goat.... shooed her away. Then turned his attention to the new sheep at his side. "Come over here, and hop up on this nice raised platform the nice human made for, ewe". The creature smiled at his own private joke.

    Bill ended up sort of, half leaning and half sitting, on a gates for one of the smaller pens. Open mouthed and glassy eyed, stared at the.... ? Just what was he looking at? The human's mind started to process what the creature was. "Was he really Pan"? 

    He had started studying the old world god as a bit of a whimsy. Being an animal fucker, he stayed away from the religions that had laws that said his kind should be put to death and their animals with them. And not that Bill required any license from any god to do what he was doing. It was just sort of fun to keep a god who didn't mind him shagging critters, in his mind at times... Giving an approving nod.

    Pan saw in Bill's eyes, that the human was returning to awareness. Taking the wine skin off his shoulder and passed it to Bill. 

    "Here". The goat man said as he held the skin out to the human. "Peach wine... You look like you could use a drink".

    Bill took the offered wine skin and un corked it. Taking a small sip... 'Quite good', he thought, 'Nice peach taste and not too sweet'. Taking another bigger gulp, he felt the tension in his shoulders and neck fall away. The human went to give the skin back, but the creature just wave it away and told him to "keep it". And then turned to the ewe and asked, "Do you mind"? Bill just shook his head and said, "That's up to her".

    Pan sank down behind the ewe. (Is it still 'kneeling' if the knees bend backwards?) And planted his face between her woolly thighs. A look of surprise and joy came over the ewe's face. At least that's what Bill took it to mean. The animal showed no signs of wanting to get away from... Just what was he doing. The goatman noticed that the human was trying to see. Leaning his head back, Bill saw Pan's incredibly long tongue, slither from the ewe's twat. No wonder he was famed for pleasing animals and women alike. Standing up his long thin cock stood at full erection. The goatman knew that his saliva was plenty slippery, but he knew to, that the human always used a squirt from the bottle of lube that sat on the ledge. Leaning over he pumped a little puddle of the stuff into his hand and preceded to coat his dick with it.

    Bill watched Pan slowly press his cock into the ewe. From the look on the goatman's face, Bill could see that he also enjoyed that first slide into an animal's cunt. After holding himself deep in her sex, Pan started to fuck the ewe. Slowly at first, then he picked up some speed. The human could hear the soft 'wamp' as the goatman's groin bumped into the soft woolen rump. His long penis, hitting spots that only the ram could reach. The ewe had her eyes closed, her lips moved softly, as she was very obviously enjoying her fucking.

    "So you probably have a lot of questions. like, what am I, what am I doing here fucking  your sheep". Pan never missed a beat as he spoke. "I'm sure you've heard, 'Any technology advanced enough, will seem like magic". Bill nodded. Pan continued on, "And you may have read some science fiction about an ancient civilization that went around 'seeding' planets with life". Bill's eyes got a little bigger at that one and nodded again. The goatman stopped his shagging, threw his arms open wide and exclaimed, "TA-DA". And went back to fucking the animal. Giving the human a big grin, "And who doesn't like fucking sheep"?

    Bill continued to stare open mouthed at the creature. While not clamming to be a god, he more or less just said he was one. "How?.... Why?" The human was finally able to sputter out.

    "The 'how' was easy, the 'why' will take a lot of explaining".

    Pan steadily pumped his cock in and out of the ewe's pliant cunt. His fingers continued to work furrows in the sheep's wool, scratching ever itchy skin.

    "My planet was lucky, we didn't fall into the 'mysticism trap'. We didn't pour time and money into religion, we skipped over all that and went right into building airplanes, and understanding genetics". 

    The goatman's fucking sped up and strokes got shorter. With a very goat like grunt, he plowed his cock in one last time, to shoot his cum, as deep into the ewe as he could. After several strong jets of his semen, Pan stood still. Groin pressed against the woolly rump of the sheep, his penis still soaking in the warmth of the ewe's juicy cunt.

    "Buy the time..." Pan continued as if he was lecturing a class, and not just having dumped a load of his cum into an animal. "We had figured out faster then light space travel, we had been making all kinds of new species for years. Just about every high school senior had at least one 'pet' he had created".

    "Created"! Bill croaked out in surprise.

    "Oh nothing sentient... Just.. Well lets see. I remember one guy from school that had a miniature tiger, Another had a dog the size of a draft horse.... That sort of thing".

    Stepping back, the goatman's dick slid free from the ewe. While it wasn't flaccid, one could tell it had been wilted by the heat of the animal's vagina. He then ushered the ewe from the platform, so she could rejoin her herd mates. 

    "There are many planets in what is called the 'Goldilocks Zone', around thousands of suns. We started going out to visit the most promising ones." He made a grand gesture to indicate the world around him. "This is one... It was pretty raw when we got here. The surface was barley stable. But we had seen it all before. So we plopped down some DNA and let it take hold".

    "That was millions of years ago... How..."

    "We're a bit more long sighted then you are. To us it's easy to do something that wouldn't bear fruit for many eons. Just as I have worked on other planets that were about as rough at this one was. So years from now, another of my species can have a fun place to go".

    "Fun place to go"?

    Pan seamed to nod to himself.... "Ah yes, that old idea". He smiled and waved to the sheep. "See you have made a fun place to go, here in your barn.... We just did it on a planetary scale. And I know what you are thinking, if we're so old, then why do we still need to have 'sex', not just go around in robes thinking some deep thoughts about the nature of the universe... Just because we've figured out how to keep body and mind together for a couple millennia, doesn't mean were dead between the legs".

    "How old are you"?

    "I'm only in my mid 800's... Now where was I?.... Oh yes. We actually did try that monk robe wearing shit for awhile. Since we were living longer, no need to have a ton of babies. All that sex stuff was just keeping us from using brains to the fullest... They tried all kinds of chemicals, brain wave feedback loops.... Finally they tried cutting the dicks off, and giving hysterectomies to infants... All with the idea that we'd all become deep thinkers. Man what a disaster that was. Murder, suicide, hyper violence... We nearly killed ourselves... Then.... A few had the idea that maybe sex wasn't so bad..."

    At this point, Bill had calmed down and was listening intently. He was fully sitting on the low wooden gate. His lack of clothes didn't seem to have made any impact on the human. From time to time he was still taking nips off the wine skin. Seamed to help his mind focus on what Pan was telling him.

    "After all..." Pan continued, "We'd been running around fucking just like every other animal, for millions of years. And we suddenly thought we didn't need to do that. So we put our minds to it. And again we went a little far the other way. Using our ability to change our bodies... And I'm sure you know where that went. Guys had dicks so big they couldn't get it in a woman. Now the women did like it, up to a point but enough was enough... Then the gigantic dick bunch, instead of reducing their size, they found some critters that they could fit into. Since there wasn't any religious bug-a-boos... In fact we already had been shagging critters for quite some time. They just kept getting bigger and bigger. Until they finally had enough, what with passing out when getting an erection and draft horses were getting too snug... Any increases in pleasure wasn't keeping up with the increase in size... They began to average out some....

    Another ewe came over to the goat-man. Pan looked down at her and over to Bill. Who was sporting a very hard erection.

    "Looks like you're up next". Pan said as he was leading the ewe up onto the platform. "But first I can't resist have a little taste of her wet twat". Again he dropped down behind her and once again the animal's face seam to light up with surprise and joy. Standing up he licked his lips and noted, "I do love how that lanolin coats ones lips". Stepping aside, he motioned for Bill to have at her.

    The human rarely did anything in front of other zoos, but he felt no inhibitions as he stumbled forward as if led by his throbbing dick. Not even stopping for lube, the ewe's heat and the goat-man's saliva, made for a slick path to her silken depths. The warm velvet folds of the animal's vagina wrapped around Bill's cock. While not the first time the ewe's depths had been plumbed by his penis... She felt, warmer... The texture was more.... apparent? The long time sheep shagger was having a hard time quantifying what he was feeling. Everything seamed to have been kicked up a notch.

    Pan had taken the human's spot on the wooden gate. He smiled as he watched Bill, plunge time and again into the animal's sex. The moans of both man and beast was music to his pointy ears. The alien had visited this farm often. Was nice and quiet here, nestled up against a national forest. Running with the deer. Wrestling with the bucks. Fucking the doe. At night he'd come sleep in the barn, with the sheep. He had watched Bill, Bill's father, his father, and back to the first of his family that built this barn and fill it with sheep. Many men fucking many, many sheep. One generation there was a father and three sons, all finding special sheep friends. There were a few of the females that came to the barn as well. Girls having watched the ram in action, figured out that while there still might be some pain, having a ram deflower you, was sure and quick. Also in a quiet corner of the hay barn. A bale of hay and an old blanket, made for the perfect height for the various sheep dogs to use their red dicks, with swollen knots, to make young ladies shriek in ecstasy.

    Heavy breathing and rapid motion brought Pan's attention back to the couple in front of him. He had seen this human shagging enough sheep to know that he was nearing his climax. Bill never noticed, but he held his breath for the last few seconds. Then he would exhale sharply, as if to help his cum ejaculate farther into the ewe.

    "God that was intense!" Bill exclaimed loudly.

    "Stay in her".


    "Stay in her. She likes it if you stay in her."

    "They do"?

    "Not all ewes, but this one does".

    Sure enough, the ewe ground her rump back into the human's groin.

    "So how"?

    "After a couple hundred years, you get so you can read their body language. You do a pretty good job. You can tell if one is not feeling like she wants sex. Or if one is really liking it". Pan shifted on the gate, and changed the subject. "She really feels good, her pussy twitching around your dick".

    Bill nodded, not sure where this was going.

    "You ever stop to wonder why all domesticated farm mammals can be fucked by the farmer? Sheep, goats, ponies, cows, sows, donkeys, llamas, dogs.... Even some wild life. The deer that run around the forest can be shagged by man. All the different body sizes, and shapes. All the different penis sizes, and shapes... How is it that humans have a 'master key' that fits all of 'em? While you think about that... How is it, that of all the Great Apes, gorillas and the like, humans have the largest penis of the lot?" And in the thousands of years of humans fucking animals, why has there never been any cross bred kids? You can cross horses and donkeys, goats and sheep, lions and tigers, and a couple of hundred other examples, but not human and any animal. Not just all the farm animals. In Borneo they fuck orangutans, Vikings shagged reindeer, other places men fucked all kinds of antelope, bison, chimps, baboons, zebra... One guy even trained a giraffe to back up to a tree where he had a platform so he could munch on, and fuck her. And none of those thousand of gallons of human sperm, ever made one animal conceive".

    "And it's not just you men. Women have welcomed a wide array of animal cocks into their vaginas. Each squirting their own unique mating juice, that will do absolutely nothing. They've stretched their cunts so dogs, hogs, and stallions, would fit. There's been more then a few, that like a more slender dick. Rams, bucks and even baboons have bumped nasties with their hairy patch. All that cum, flooding all those ovaries, and not one werewolf, centaur, satyr or faun". 

    The human looked down at his own carnal addition to the total. He knew long before the goatman ever told him, that his semen couldn't impregnate the ewe. Even now his sperm was racing to her ovine eggs, only to have nothing more then a few divisions before everything came to a halt. That was why he had to lay off the ewes when the ram was suppose to be breeding 'em.

    "You... What should I call your race? Old ones? Horny fucks"?

    "I kind of like 'Horny Fucks', that pretty much describes us".

    "You Horny Fucks set all this up millions of years ago, and you know how it would all come out"?

    "Well basically.... Yea. Oh we had to watch and come tweak things form time to time. But you have to remember, that we've been rearranging genes longer then life has been on this planet. We've gotten very good at it".

    Pointing to the sheep's ears. "I'd say from her ears twitching, she's wanting another go".

    Bill had to agree that the ewe stood all this time and had made no attempt to slide off his still ridged cock. The human started to slide his dick in and out of the animal's sex. She turned her head and looked back at him and gave, what had to have been, a happy bleat. He watched his cock slid through the dark chocolate colored lips. He always love the way the Suffolks had that black circle of short black fur surrounded by her white wool. Keeping her cunt much cleaner then some other breeds. He was still having a hard time trying to wrap his mind around the idea that him being here, fucking this animal, was part of some, grand alien design. But the slick warmth of the ewe's pussy made that line of thought harder and harder to keep going. The human's mind slid into the familiar place, that the sights and sound of the barn fade away... All his attention was on how wonderful his cock felt as he fucked the ewe's warm wet cunt.... Odd... It was almost as if he could 'tune into' the sheep's own rising lust as she was being fucked by him. He even adjusted his thrusts and speed to make the feeling stronger. He wasn't sure what happened. His orgasm was one of his more intense ones. Helped on by the ewe? Or the contents of the wine skin... Bit of both? All Bill knew, was that he was leaning against the wall, breathing like he was just run a race. The flush of his orgasm still warmed his groin. His ewe was gone, his cum was probably dripping on the straw covered barn floor, and Pan was placing a different one on the platform. His second of the night. Followed by both having a third ewe apiece... then a forth... And Bill sort'a lost count.



Messages In This Thread
Pan - by Ramseys - 02-11-2019, 09:24 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 02-12-2019, 01:35 PM
Pan - by farellfoxx - 02-13-2019, 03:14 AM
Pan - by Old Zoo - 02-23-2019, 10:04 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 02-24-2019, 01:24 PM
Pan - by Bear28 - 02-26-2019, 08:08 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 04-06-2019, 01:07 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 04-06-2019, 12:07 PM
Pan - by threelegs - 04-07-2019, 03:50 AM
Pan - by Ramseys - 04-07-2019, 04:41 AM
Pan - by threelegs - 04-07-2019, 05:17 AM
Pan - by silverwolf1 - 04-07-2019, 11:44 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 04-07-2019, 02:45 PM
Pan - by Old Zoo - 04-07-2019, 07:13 PM
Pan - by Bear28 - 04-08-2019, 04:45 AM
Pan - by Ramseys - 04-29-2019, 05:36 AM
Pan - by silverwolf1 - 04-30-2019, 09:41 AM
Pan - by Oregon - 04-30-2019, 05:15 PM
Pan - by threelegs - 05-01-2019, 10:09 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 05-03-2019, 11:45 AM
Pan - by cabron45 - 05-25-2019, 10:52 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 05-25-2019, 12:34 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 08-18-2019, 10:51 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 08-19-2019, 03:50 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 08-20-2019, 12:03 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 09-17-2019, 07:05 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 09-17-2019, 11:06 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 09-18-2019, 03:57 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 09-23-2019, 09:19 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 10-14-2019, 08:27 PM
Pan - by caikgoch - 10-14-2019, 08:31 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 10-14-2019, 11:17 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 10-15-2019, 03:57 AM
Pan - by Ramseys - 10-15-2019, 05:47 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 10-16-2019, 03:40 AM
Pan - by threelegs - 10-18-2019, 10:47 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 10-19-2019, 12:12 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 10-19-2019, 03:40 AM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 11-23-2019, 01:46 PM
Pan - by heavyhorse - 07-18-2022, 12:06 PM
Pan - by Ramseys - 09-17-2019, 08:14 AM

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