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Strength in the face of Adversity

maybe i am simply form a different generation, or simply don't worry

i accepted who and what i am a long time ago, like above made sacrifices in the areas it didn't matter as much to me as my companions did, don't need fancy cars boats jewelry the newest video game console and expensive games to make me happy.... my companions do ... i put them first above other things so they make me happy

as stated above by others ... i don't discuss my normal hetro sex life with anyone but my partner .. never had a need to discuss my animal sex life with anyone either .. it's my private life. I have always been fine discussing things of an animal nature with just zoo's.

All the repression and laws don't really bother me because they don't effect me or my loved ones. I have no desires to have my sexual preferences validated by anyone. Never had a desire to be out of the closet.

Don't do anything in public to get caught for and no one will ever know what you do in your bedroom or barn

I have also never felt like i was hiding any part of my life from the rest of the world really ... i don't even discuss my (normal) sexual proclivities with anyone either and i don't want to hear theirs

21 hours ago, Equilibera said:

How do you all personally deal with the lows, the feeling of weakness that comes with social and cultural adversity like this?

I don't feel them.

Ask yourself HOW these things truly effect you and why should they?

If you do not have your own companion then work to achieve that goal.

If you are trespassing and worrying about getting caught and prosecuted.... don't ... you are far more likely to get shot, captured and beaten or some such then arrested for abusing someones animals.


Messages In This Thread
Strength in the face of Adversity - by Equilibera - 06-10-2019, 02:39 AM
Strength in the face of Adversity - by Oregon - 06-10-2019, 10:30 AM
Strength in the face of Adversity - by heavyhorse - 06-10-2019, 12:39 PM
Strength in the face of Adversity - by cervids - 06-10-2019, 10:10 PM
Strength in the face of Adversity - by Equilibera - 06-10-2019, 11:50 PM
Strength in the face of Adversity - by arcticwolf - 06-11-2019, 12:35 AM
Strength in the face of Adversity - by doge1 - 06-29-2019, 03:50 AM

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