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A little something to start us off

A polite greetings to everyone present.

I've come here with a specific purpose and I will fully address that later in a different section of the forum - for now, I thought I'd introduce myself in some detail, which omits personal information for the sake of the forum's rules. It's not that I am particularly worried about my identity being "exposed" and you will understand why by the end of this.

The identity in question, of course, is me being a zoophile - admiration for and adoration of equines is very much a defining streak of my character. Like many people in these circles, I'm not an exclusive zoophile and I do have a romantic and sexual interests in my own kind as well, mainly but not exclusively the same sex. Other than that, I can tell you that I'm a European young adult male, who puts a great deal of emphasis on ethics, being committed both to veganism and voluntarism as my guiding philosophies in life. My main hobby these days - and a major drain on my income - are cars as I am a proud Mustang owner. i know what you're probably thinking and you're not wrong - I couldn't pass up opportunity to have the ultimate horse car.

What is a lot more relevant than that to the majority of people here is that I'm, in fact, an aspiring writer. In the actual sense of the word - I'm currently finishing the manuscript of my first ebook. I've already gone through one edit and I've decided a few days ago to add one more chapter - that is something I will need you to help me with, in way. Again, I will explain that separately later. Beyond that, I need to add proper sources and probably a glossary as well. Yes, sources and glossary - I'm not talking about fiction. I do want to write that as well and I have produced some short stories involving zoophilia in the past, but as it stands I am seeking to launch a career parallel to my full-time job and earn extra money on the side from ebooks. As you can imagine, I can't exactly sell stories, which involve graphic descriptions of bestiality, without running into the "authorities".

And so, I am instead pursuing my calling as an activist. My current work is largely - though not entirely - dealing with ethics of zoophilia and bestiality, as well as their social ramifications. This is why being exposed as a zoophile is not a concern for me - it's an integral part of me having chosen this path and I'm okay with it. The moment I publish it and start promoting it, I will have destroyed all remnants of my identity being a private matter. My family knows, everyone I talk with online knows, the best friends I've had IRL knew. And yes, I've been lucky enough to find acceptance. The laws where I live aren't very strict either - it may be illegal here to sell explicit depictions of bestiality, but there are no laws criminalizing bestiality itself, for example.

So yes, that's me for you in a nutshell. For anyone, who feels a potential for kinship based on what I've said about myself, don't hesitate to hit me up in the DMs. I'm very much open to having a chat. Other than that, I'll drop by later, make another thread and explain what I meant earlier.

Oh and one last thing... I've been to a number of forums of this nature in the past and this one actually looks quite nice. I haven't really had the time to browse it in-depth yet, but the first impression is decent. A warm thanks to the administrator and any staff for running this place - plenty of forums I used to go to have been shut down over the years and these days finding a decent one is getting more and more difficult. I really appreciate your work in providing a space for people like me to gather in peace. It's always nice to know that one is not quite so alone.


Messages In This Thread
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-27-2019, 12:01 PM
A little something to start us off - by Hiway - 06-27-2019, 12:40 PM
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-27-2019, 06:01 PM
A little something to start us off - by Oregon - 06-27-2019, 07:37 PM
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-27-2019, 07:59 PM
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-29-2019, 05:48 AM
A little something to start us off - by Hiway - 07-03-2019, 05:46 AM
A little something to start us off - by Hiway - 07-03-2019, 05:09 PM
A little something to start us off - by Ramseys - 07-05-2019, 11:26 PM

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