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A little something to start us off

Alrighty, I'm back. First of all, thank you for the replies and your genuine concern.

The thing about pseudonyms and pen names is that they are effectively worthless these days as far as privacy is concerned. Or rather, they are that if I am going to sell my works, which I sorta need to do. I'm working full time a "working class" job and it doesn't bring in that much money. When I'm active, writing takes up most of my already very limited free time, it's like another job. Even if it brings in one fifth of my day job, I need it. Now, why am I pointing this out... well, if I'm going to be selling the books, I will need to somehow receive royalties. This will link that source of activism directly to me via a bank account of some kind. Which means that if I do make enemies and they do decide to out me, they will be able to do that. We all know what angry anons are capable of. Doxxing is their favorite pastime.

Don't get me wrong, I have considered the option of trying to remain anonymous and it's still on the table, but in this day and age it sounds like a lot of futile effort. I can fool the average man, but the moment someone does decide to go after me, I won't be able to stop them.

Also, here's another perspective. As I have foreshadowed, I am not someone, who's focused wholly on the social issue of zoophilia, far from it. Nor do I consider it the most pressing issue. There are many other things I'd rather focus my activism on first and that's also why I have initially started writing other works and didn't finish them. Do you know why I have opted to bite the bullet and start with this huge taboo? Because I'd rather out myself, than have others do it for me as a form of character assassination. A major part of what I intend to advocate for are rights for nonhuman animals. The last thing I want is to get this thing going and someone - maybe a guy I used to talk with and like, maybe a complete stranger - outing me as a zoophile to ruin everything I have worked for. It's easier to bring this to the table yourself and try to convince people that way, than being in a position, where it's a "secret" that got exposed.

Still, I could at least begin anonymously and see how long it lasts, yes. If my identity does get exposed later, it will be a different matter than if me being a zoophile got exposed.

With that said, I don't have any nonhumans in my care, no. I love horses, but I'm still too damn poor to be able to buy a house with property and provide for equines. This is also what motivates me - many zoophiles can't stand up for themselves, because they have loved ones to lose. I don't have anything.

As far as consequences for others are concerned... well, it's damned if you do and damned if you don't, isn't it? The laws are tightening regardless. Some two years ago a whole bunch of US states passed new bans on bestiality. Most of Europe isn't much better off. Things are getting worse as everyone sits idly by and they are never going to get better unless something changes. I can either sit by as well and watch things deteriorate, or I can at least try to help.

What I can tell you is that this is probably not the sort of book you expect. Over the years, I've seen a number zoo attempts at "activism" and they were all... well, let's just say they weren't very good. They were never something I could get behind and I can easily see them doing more damage than good. As a result, I'm doing something I've never seen anyone else do - I'm approaching this in a way which is, to my best knowledge, fairly unique. That obviously doesn't mean I will celebrate any success, but I have to try to know.

To be honest, I don't really care about the local government. It's not like I'm going to lobby it. That's the thing, I'm not a native English speaker, but what I'm writing is fully in English and aimed at those audiences, the Western populations, who all have rather draconian laws already in this regard. Where I live, the vast majority of people wouldn't be able to understand much of anything from these paragraphs - and that's sort of the point, my home base is going to be outside of the sphere of my activism for the foreseeable future.

Anyway, time to move on to another thread before this gets further off topic and do what I promised I would.


Messages In This Thread
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-27-2019, 12:01 PM
A little something to start us off - by Hiway - 06-27-2019, 12:40 PM
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-27-2019, 06:01 PM
A little something to start us off - by Oregon - 06-27-2019, 07:37 PM
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-27-2019, 07:59 PM
A little something to start us off - by Anarchon - 06-29-2019, 05:48 AM
A little something to start us off - by Hiway - 07-03-2019, 05:46 AM
A little something to start us off - by Hiway - 07-03-2019, 05:09 PM
A little something to start us off - by Ramseys - 07-05-2019, 11:26 PM

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