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Preparedness in the event of fire, and a fire at my place

Really kinda bummed tonight. I'm forced out of the house by random circuits popping today so am staying in the "bug-out", or guest cabin for now which is alright but not meant to be a home, so more like camping with internet etc.,

Insurance Adjuster was out today too and informed me they would cover less than half the actual replacement value on the equipment and tools lost in the fire, as I didn't have the proper coverage on those. Nor will the cost of rebuilding/ repairing ANY outbuildings be paid, only the house and horse-barn were underwritten on the policy! He said he "snuck" the equipment through by not stating in his report that it was in a separate building! And I thought I was well insured, I really did. In fact I had a farm plan that should have covered everything...anyway, it didn't. Read yer policy renewals, especially when your old carrier is bought by a new company.

And it stormed all but early morning today, with heavy-assed rain soaking the damaged horse barn and adding more difficulty to the work of clearing the mess all around the place, and to finding the cause in the horse barn.

I dunno. I have some assets, have some saved. I've started over before, several times, from less. I just feel like I don't know whether I can again. Maybe tomorrow'll be better though...



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Preparedness in the event of fire, and a fire at my place - by silverwolf1 - 07-18-2019, 02:01 AM

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