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Preparedness in the event of fire, and a fire at my place

8 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

I guess there might be more than just a bad wire to blame here, and I'm a random target of some jokers looking for a place to get high. Burned spoons found over my office.

Well that's damned fracking irritating.  I don't suppose any (human) DNA is recoverable....

I'm somewhat protected from that in that criminals are invariably lazy shits; if it's harder to crap on me than on surrounding places they will pick the easiest target every time.  I'm a half mile off of the county road, there's heavy brush and bluffs along the road, and if they bushwhack through that there's 4 or 5 strand electric fence around every field.  I'm known in the area for having Honkin' Huge Dogs you can hear for a mile, that reportedly "The big one put me back in the truck" when someone came to "pick up" repaired equipment without paying when I wasn't home.  No dog bites ever reported, but, um, would crooks report getting bit? And to the irritation of some who think they should have access, every building is locked, all the time, if I'm here or not.   And recall, if they think they are going to enter through the livestock doors, they have to navigate 5 strands of electric fence powered by multiple "mains" fencers (no wimpy "solar" fencers here; sheep are pretty well insulated, it takes a decent arc to keep the attention of rams when the ewes are wiggling their little tails).  And a little clue: You do NOT, EVER, want to touch electric fence and a steel post at the same time.  Try climbing over and it will still hurt the next day.    

And I get an odd amount of traffic here from cops looking for fugitives or runaways; they can see some distance from the high ground, and have asked on occasion to search my buildings for people hiding (allowed; I sure as hell don't want to encounter them).   Oh, and when the cops visit you want to turn your back and s-l-o-w-l-y drop the clip and clear the chamber of the 9mm in your back pocket and lay it on the car hood.  Don't need more drama. 




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Preparedness in the event of fire, and a fire at my place - by heavyhorse - 07-19-2019, 09:13 PM

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