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Hello fellow Zoo's! What species and breeds are you attracted to?

There is a pinned topic already on what species are preferred, done in the form of a poll but with reply ability to respond further and elaborate. I'll let this topic stand though, just be sure to check for a topic before posting, and reply in any existing topic. Replies have been made here, so we'll continue them here as a new topic.

My preferences:

Canines; specifically I'm strongly attracted several of the herding breeds, but especially to Border Collies. I DO NOT advocate any of them as lovers due to their smaller size. Despite my writings, Tippy and Shadow (my last two partners), were not representative of the breed in ability. But in attractiveness they can't be beat. The muscular bodies beneath feathered, flowing fur; near-human (or better) intelligence; loyalty; dedication to task etc. all draw me to them in general. The individuality among them seems strongest as well, and the individual is who I fall in love with.

Equines, in theory. Morgan Horses there. I love the looks of a healthy "Ridge-runner".

Some mythical beasts.



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Hello fellow Zoo's! What species and breeds are you attracted to? - by silverwolf1 - 08-31-2019, 01:06 AM

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