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Roll Call, let us know you're still here...

I'm still here, though offline issues have been interfering with things, such as a cabinet crash damaging my computer, then it finally quitting a few months later.

Indeed, it died just before ZWG lost its host. So when I came back online and was getting back to my sites, I found that the ZWG address was up for sale. And with the crash resulting in my being locked-out of my e-mail, and losing the link for our sister site, I couldn't find out what had happened.

I did eventually get back in, found the announcement & address change, and am now back with you.

Currently, I am on a seven or eight year old machine with little memory and a slow processor. Fortunately, with the help of a friend, I have managed to retrieve most of my data. Though because of a loss of passwords and links, I am still locked-out of some of my accounts.

The other big slowdown is the story "Sandey" that I'm working on and posting here in chapters in the story section. Around the turn of the year, I ran into two serious plot holes, big enough to drive a semi through. Ideally, I should have gone back and re-written the part that caused them, but that part had already been posted, and has been up far too late to change. I had been concentrating on it since then, trying desperately to find a fix.

Just in the last month though, I found a solution in a part that I had deleted as being "filler". I had deleted that part completely, saving no copies. By rewriting that part from scratch, changing a few things in it, and changing the details in the chapter end, I was able to set up a situation that appears to have repaired both plot holes.

I have been going over it and am still finding typos. But as soon as I feel sure it is cleaned-up, I will post it.

That's all for now, I will post a note when the latest chapter is uploaded.

Resident Hyaena ^..^


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Roll Call, let us know you're still here... - by Resident Hyaena - 08-31-2019, 04:03 PM

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