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Dane bitch fantasy sex? (Not what you're thinking).

I recently noticed something interesting:

While I was "with" one of my Dane bitches (missionary), one of the others came to watch, and stood with her head lowered, every several seconds arched her back up and trembled briefly, with her tail cocked slightly and vulva gaping slightly and wet (though not dripping). 

She is not in heat or anywhere near time for her next heat, and acting normal the rest of the time.

It looked to me every bit as though she was having fantasy sex while watching "porn".  I felt a bit guilty for not having enough endurance anymore to invite her to participate. 

Anyone else who has multiple bitches noticed similar behavior? 


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Dane bitch fantasy sex? (Not what you're thinking). - by heavyhorse - 11-08-2019, 03:59 PM

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