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Training or choice?

1 hour ago, silverwolf1 said:

Or maybe a combination of the two? The first time or two the former & those after the latter?

I'm going to say usually this.  Or more appropriately "bribery".  Put feed in front of a herbivore in particular, and for this bribe she clearly understands and consents.  Not different than getting a cow to stand for milking in front of a feeder.  

For dogs the "bribe" is getting attention, contact, play time, same result as throwing a ball.  (Do you really think dogs crave tennis balls?  Nah, it's to make their owners happy).  A Dane bitch flopping down on her back and smiling when you touch her flank a certain way is the same thing.  Even when she's not in heat, making her human happy makes her happy.  

For dogs there's also an apparent "status" thing in play.  Being selected/mated by the human "pack alpha" makes her the Alpha Female, at least for the moment.  She gets to flaunt her favored status to the others.  (I used to have a horse like that; damn would he show off to the others when he "got to" be ridden.)  The alpha mare was more of a "feed whore".  She would show every physical genital behavior of estrus for a can of feed.  I knew without looking when the feed was gone; her genitals went back to normal.  If I wanted more, "Give me more feed".  A clear agreement; she knew she had me by the short hairs...

I've had a few "rescue/re-home" bitches and one rescued-from-the-slaughter-market Suffolk show ewe that their first move when they got to their new home was to cement their standing/status by soliciting sex, going from "new outsider" to "Alpha's Favorite" in the wink of a, well, vulva.  (And also revealing their previous owner's "Little Secret".)  

(I am referring in all cases to female animals and vaginal sex (vaginal as well as enthusiastic oral/licking by the ewe).  I'm not into m/m or anal, so not offering any opinion there.) 




Messages In This Thread
Training or choice? - by silverwolf1 - 01-16-2020, 11:10 AM
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Training or choice? - by dog - 06-22-2021, 04:39 PM

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