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The right to die

On 6/11/2018 at 0:09 AM, caikgoch said:

I would like to accomplish something with my final act.        I would also like to have a unique experience with lots of excitement and sensation.       My current final fantasy would be to feed myself to a starving whale.

Hahahahah that's strangely the least depressing thing I've read on here in months.

My ultimate fantasy was suicide bombing a meeting full of CEOs and board members of a certain pharmaceutical company. Until I realized the media would just spin it against me and those assholes breed like cockroaches. Otherwise I definitely subscribed to that "going out with a bang" philosophy. (Although at that point it's besides the topic, which I'm not going to comment on, for reasons)


@FoxGogCatWolf Do you know that Monsanto once had an attraction in Disneyland?

I would try the chinese execution method of Lingchi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingchi


Hahahahah (again), you're close: I was talking about the multinational that recently acquired Monsanto.

Actually my preferred method was feeding the CEO a bottle of his own pills in front of his family, but that was a bit much... and I was less likely to pull that off. Kind of need something easy; you don't want be one of those failed shoebombers.

(Damn that 9/11)


On 6/13/2018 at 2:14 PM, Vermilion said:

We should stop calling them doctors, as they aren't anymore (Hyprocratic Oath n' stuff). They would be killer, as they kill for money.

Consent has nothing to do with it. If I would say to a bus driver: "Here, 5 bucks, now drive me over". He would still go to jail and the 5 bucks are a base motive.

So why should killing people be allowed to doctors, and not to bus drivers?

Doctors are charged with the very serious responsibility of judging life.  Determining whether someone is dead, officially, requires medical training.

There are a number of conditions for which there is no cure, eventually will kill you anyway, and what time you have left will continually increase in pain and misery.  Forcing someone beyond all known medicine to live in terrible pain is more cruel and terrible than fulfilling a request for a peaceful, dignified death.


@FoxGogCatWolf Yeah, yeah, good 'ol Bayer, pride of the IG Farben company.


2 hours ago, Vermilion said:


(That wasn't a typo, was it? ; )  )


yeah... that silly Asus keyboard takes extremly deep hits on the keys. I do typos all the time...


Made perfect sense to me:




Yeah, good old Bible, the original Lord of the Rings.


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