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What type of hobbies do you have?

4 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Wales? All I know is that in New Zealand, the men are butch...and the sheep are always nervous... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

Actual Google result:   [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":o" width="20" />[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

" Sheep shagging was first practised in 1563 as a competition to see how many sheep could be brought to orgasm in 5 minutes. The game was exceedingly popular in small Welsh towns and was commonly played at local town fêtes and wedding receptions."

......couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.....  


Where I am there's a co-op of farmers harvest time and planting time that rent equipment. My fields and pastures are small given the rocky nature of my environs, but I have a bit of a lot of them. I actually cut hay and harvest corn or beans on horse-drawn equipment with a neighbor who owns mules, just for fun. Most of my land that is not pasture is leased out to a corporate farm. I have an 8n Ford tractor I use for odd jobs here, but repair is costly so it sees little use. Equipment depends also on your individual field size. Mine are one to five acres each for the most part, so huge equipment is use-less here. The larger fields are easily done with rented equipment rather than buy one machine that will be used twice a year for one or two days.


ps- a hobby of mine is rebuilding old horse equipment btw.


have kept sheep (lots of them). Never shagged one though...



2 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:

Where I am there's a co-op of farmers harvest time and planting time that rent equipment. My fields and pastures are small given the rocky nature of my environs, but I have a bit of a lot of them. I actually cut hay and harvest corn or beans on horse-drawn equipment with a neighbor who owns mules, just for fun. Most of my land that is not pasture is leased out to a corporate farm. I have an 8n Ford tractor I use for odd jobs here, but repair is costly so it sees little use. Equipment depends also on your individual field size. Mine are one to five acres each for the most part, so huge equipment is use-less here. The larger fields are easily done with rented equipment rather than buy one machine that will be used twice a year for one or two days.


ps- a hobby of mine is rebuilding old horse equipment btw.

If you like horse drawn equipment and own an 8N you are in the right place.      The 8N was specifically designed to replace a team of mules and is good for little else.       They are cheap to fix if you know that it is a Massey Ferguson T series with a Ford motor.       Or you could keep it for parades and upgrade a generation or 3.


7 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:

Where I am there's a co-op of farmers harvest time and planting time that rent equipment. My fields and pastures are small given the rocky nature of my environs, but I have a bit of a lot of them. I actually cut hay and harvest corn or beans on horse-drawn equipment with a neighbor who owns mules, just for fun. Most of my land that is not pasture is leased out to a corporate farm. I have an 8n Ford tractor I use for odd jobs here, but repair is costly so it sees little use. Equipment depends also on your individual field size. Mine are one to five acres each for the most part, so huge equipment is use-less here. The larger fields are easily done with rented equipment rather than buy one machine that will be used twice a year for one or two days.


ps- a hobby of mine is rebuilding old horse equipment btw.

A Ford tractor...eeeww [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />  For maintenance of my riding hall, I own a small Lamborghini tractor (Yeah, I´m driving a lambo, bitches [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />...and yeah, they´re making tractors, too )and for haymaking, I use a middle sized Fendt.


Even for a small farm, the 8-N proved inadequate (for me).  They (the conservation district) used to have a co-op seed drill you could rent, suitable for the rugged terrain here, heavy and strong enough to split a rock and plant seed in the crack.  The 8-N didn't have any hydraulics needed to lift and turn the machine, and couldn't move the weight on hills.    I got a 50 year old mid-size Case that used to be a backhoe, so has hydraulics out the wazoo, and had a maintenance plan all it's life, so wasn't a total piece of shit at that age (although the wiring harness broke new ground for the definition of "POS".  It was partially made of wire, (the parts not made of tape), but no friend of electricity.  But you kind of expect that.)  Later got a "Japper tractor" as they call them around here (Kubota) with 4WD and locking diff.  

Mock not the Ford tractor!  The 3-cylinder Jubilee was about as "imaginative" as the Tri-Motor.  And, well, Ford-O-Matic tractor transmission.  Movement optional--.


On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 3:27 PM, heavyhorse said:

You left out the goats and sheep.  Can't be a proper sheep-shagger without sheep . . . . . 

Amen to that!


1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

Even for a small farm, the 8-N proved inadequate (for me).  They (the conservation district) used to have a co-op seed drill you could rent, suitable for the rugged terrain here, heavy and strong enough to split a rock and plant seed in the crack.  The 8-N didn't have any hydraulics needed to lift and turn the machine, and couldn't move the weight on hills.    I got a 50 year old mid-size Case that used to be a backhoe, so has hydraulics out the wazoo, and had a maintenance plan all it's life, so wasn't a total piece of shit at that age (although the wiring harness broke new ground for the definition of "POS".  It was partially made of wire, (the parts not made of tape), but no friend of electricity.  But you kind of expect that.)  Later got a "Japper tractor" as they call them around here (Kubota) with 4WD and locking diff.  

Mock not the Ford tractor!  The 3-cylinder Jubilee was about as "imaginative" as the Tri-Motor.  And, well, Ford-O-Matic tractor transmission.  Movement optional--.

Well, there might be a Ford patch on that tractor, but it´s basically a Massey Ferguson hiding underneath the hull...and I really learned to hate MFs when I was an apprentice since the riding club I was working in only had those "M other F uck, call the mechanic!" tractors. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> We had two Polish stablehands back then...and one thing you have to know about the Poles, they can build a running car out of a bicycle wheel, a few matches and four screws...but they couldn´t repair our two MF tractors most of the time. Ask any German farmer what MF stands for and he will tell you it stands for "mechanics friendly" , saving the mechanics´ jobs for decades... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


Old Man had a Massey Harris (before Massey Ferguson) tricycle tractor, old even then (55 years ago), big one.  Main features were taking a day to get running for work tomorrow, and an absolutely unparalleled penchant for trying to kill you.  Operator, bystanders, repairers, it was quite equal-opportunity in it's dangers.  Some spent weeks in hospital, others missed by being rescued by others.  Pieces flying off broke out windows, sent people running on various occasions.   Don't really know where it went; it was gone one day and a IH wide-front in it's place.   


21 hours ago, 30-30 said:

A  user named Rebel of the Sacred Heart once called Beastforum "the epicenter of anti true zoo propaganda" and I wholeheartedly agree with him on that. Practically everyone having feelings that go beyond bestialistic simple horniness for animals won´t endure the general sex centered climate in BF more than than a couple of months. Sad to say that BF probably is defining what "zoophilia" "is" more than all other "zoo" and zoo forums combined.

I´m cautious, but not paranoid. Sure it helps to get a honest impression of someone else when you speak the same language, you effortlessly identify nuances and the metatext behind the written words, but I also have zoo friends that are not native German speakers...my level of confidence in people largely depends on their personality and my instincts that are quite reliable so far. In total, I am in contact with about 15 people rightfully calling themselves zoophile, but you have to consider that I´m in this online "zoo" forum stuff for ages, since the beginning of the nineties. And about that "no one knows about you in RL"...well, in my first riding club, I suppose that everyone "knew" my mare and me had more than just a horse-rider relationship. I know for sure that the owner of the small private stable my mare was boarded for about 8 years really knew about my mare and me as I had the "luck" to overhear her talking to her father...about me and my mare, ending with "At least, it´s a mare...". Both of them definitely knew what was going on between my mare and me. Some of my closer non zoo friends also know because I told ´em. My mother and my sister also know...and are very supportive.

Whenever the topic turns towards how "persecuted" we zoos are, I always say that it´s not exactly as bad as many portray it. During my life as an active zoo, I found out that many people are tolerant or neutral/indifferent , many you wouldn´t think of being cool with it. You shouldn´t mistake "accepted traditional bestiality" as it happens in some North African or South American countries for tolerance or even accpetance....it´s one thing to vent off your juvenile sexual energies with an animal that excludes the risk of a pregnancy being tolerated, but an entirely different thing to really stick with your mare and do/sacrifice everything for her so she can live a pleasant life. Even in "related" forums like BF, there are people saying that fucking an animal is fun, but claiming to feel real love and devotion for it is sick and people claiming to be zoophiles should visit a shrink. As a zoo, it should become your second nature to always stay on guard, regardless of whatever...but it´s certainly a nice-to-have thing if your close relatives are somehow tolerant, makes life a bit easier. Not like "totally easy", but easier than having to hide your orientation from everybody.


Indeed it's very sex centered, it's such a pain in the arse; because being it the most popular it's what people then think we are, which is shit; but I guess that's what you get when this kind of stuff is for profit.

"At least, it´s a mare...". oh god I found this shit hilarious and cute and the same time, I am just imagining the scene; how the hell you are obvious anyway then?... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> I wonder if anyone close with animal knowledge can figure when you are in a relationship with the animal and the animal is your mate; I don't know if to be scared about that, because oh god I love fuzzy cuddles, and I wouldn't mind doing them in public, I mean they are not even sexual per say, but I seriously don't see people cuddling with their pets and stuff nor mutual grooming; "At least is a mare", haha, I can imagine your face.

Indeed most people are pretty indifferent, but you get an intolerant one and you are screwed, they have the law in their favour; however I'd disagree with the part that says that "accepting traditional bestiality" does not represent tolerance, I'd say it doesn't give any acceptance, because it's taboo, but in my experience, as born in a place where horsefucking was a thing that even teens were proud of doing, if you actually fell in love with the animal, none would give a shit, literally; and some people actually did, hell we had songs in popular folklore that said just this, how it started just as an adventure (usually with a female horse) and then the cowboy would fall in full love and would start neglecting his wife, some even tell the story of how they breed together [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />, can you imagine songs like that, they'd be banned in the west right away, they are waaaay outnumbered by pure sex people, but it happened from time to time... and from what I heard my uncle was one of those... ._. even when he'd end up married to a woman later, he'd be murdered when I was a kid, for, unrelated reasons.

Telling to my close and even further relatives from there is a no risk, but they don't like it, just like they didn't like it with my uncle, so I see no point, but I assume they know, I was a very zoophilic teenager now that I think about it [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />


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