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Zooporn dead online?

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

Personal view is that those professional porn skanks out of work is the preferred outcome.  I have seen a lot of posts on zoo porn sites to the effect: "I only come here to see women degraded", and while I'm not about to go screaming on a street corner about MeToo or whatever, that's a really disgusting reason for some Porn Queen to be faking it with animals.  And only ignorant fools think it's not fake; any knowledge of biology it's immediately obvious they are just wank films.  Having the high amount of traffic wanking to that BS just makes it all the harder to live in peaceful anonymity, and all the more likely to have "zoo" follow "pedo" as a basis for widespread prosecution.  So basically no upside to Porn Site Zoo.

But if we are honest, this isn't just zoo porn, that's porn in general. Fake mourning, semi flacid cocks, weird fetishes the actors only do because they get payed for, fake boobies and guys with cocks so big, it's a wonder they don't get unconscious during erection...

Professional porn is like pro wrestling, fake and exaggerative like a comic book. Brasilian sedated horse dildoing with joghurt cumshots lost its charm after I turned 16 or something.


The real problem is defining "porn".      Historically, a naked ankle has been enough to get someone jailed.      I value my freedom enough not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


46 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

The real problem is defining "porn".      Historically, a naked ankle has been enough to get someone jailed.      I value my freedom enough not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Exactly. People do the mistake in believing, that the world will gets more and more free, tolerant and progressive, as time goes on, but that's simply not true. Moralic bars always shifted up and down in the history of mankind. And I'm pretty shure, that this times come back pretty soon.


20 hours ago, Vermilion said:

Lol... pathetic...there is no "social reputation" to be gained. The highest possible level of tolerance was the ignorance of the 90s, early 2000 but that's gone now. Now the world is changing to a far more conservative paradigm. It's not just about zoophilia, we see it everywhere. It's about demographic change in favor of extreme religious conservative cultures. The world will soon be burning. Zoophile tolerance is the last thing we should worry about. I highly doubt there will be even open homosexuality in 20 years in Europe. And anyone who thinks we could fight this with "enlightement" or appear as a personificated ethical virtue is simply, well... stupid. The mob doesn't care if you're a "good" or "bad" zoophile. They think you're evil because you ARE a zoophile, because it's written in their holy book, or just because they are pissed about the failing welfare and pension systems and simply want to hang someone on the next tree...

I, for my part, will enjoy the last years of "semi free internet" till we're awaken in Orwell's nightmare and the age of counter-enlightement reached it's full force.


16 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

personal view is that those professional porn skanks out of work is the preferred outcome.  I have seen a lot of posts on zoo porn sites to the effect: "I only come here to see women degraded", and while I'm not about to go screaming on a street corner about MeToo or whatever, that's a really disgusting reason for some Porn Queen to be faking it with animals.  And only ignorant fools think it's not fake; any knowledge of biology it's immediately obvious they are just wank films.  Having the high amount of traffic wanking to that BS just makes it all the harder to live in peaceful anonymity, and all the more likely to have "zoo" follow "pedo" as a basis for widespread prosecution.  So basically no upside to Porn Site Zoo.


15 hours ago, Vermilion said:

But if we are honest, this isn't just zoo porn, that's porn in general. Fake mourning, semi flacid cocks, weird fetishes the actors only do because they get payed for, fake boobies and guys with cocks so big, it's a wonder they don't get unconscious during erection...

Professional porn is like pro wrestling, fake and exaggerative like a comic book. Brasilian sedated horse dildoing with joghurt cumshots lost its charm after I turned 16 or something.

All three of these posts have points I agree with, and the last one is just glorious, thanks Vermilion. Kind of makes me think of some cheesy commentator giving play-by-play on fake dog porn (I know the 'pro wrestling' all too well, been to a show live too when I was younger..).

I do think that Social Justice and Mob Law are getting very far out of hand. People just seem to be going 'blind' again and raging / bible-thumping instead of asking questions or doing some self-introspection on the matter.

I am glad to see the 'porn skanks' out of work (for the most part) with the 'big zoo' sites though (in response to HH). I always knew those horse flicks were fake after seeing some -real- horse mating and even seeing  some real horse with human action.

Glad a lot of the 'guys' are out too, I've seen bitch and stud dog a-plenty who were just like 'Meh, really...?' sort of bored, or just out and out in duress in a 'shoot'.

I do still 'talk zoo' with people who are curious and have questions though, I won't be plastering 'ZOO PRIDE!' on FB / Twitter / Tumblr any time soon though, not that dumb. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> 


1 hour ago, WinterGreenWolf said:



All three of these posts have points I agree with, and the last one is just glorious, thanks Vermilion. Kind of makes me think of some cheesy commentator giving play-by-play on fake dog porn (I know the 'pro wrestling' all too well, been to a show live too when I was younger..).

I do think that Social Justice and Mob Law are getting very far out of hand. People just seem to be going 'blind' again and raging / bible-thumping instead of asking questions or doing some self-introspection on the matter.

I am glad to see the 'porn skanks' out of work (for the most part) with the 'big zoo' sites though (in response to HH). I always knew those horse flicks were fake after seeing some -real- horse mating and even seeing  some real horse with human action.

Glad a lot of the 'guys' are out too, I've seen bitch and stud dog a-plenty who were just like 'Meh, really...?' sort of bored, or just out and out in duress in a 'shoot'.

I do still 'talk zoo' with people who are curious and have questions though, I won't be plastering 'ZOO PRIDE!' on FB / Twitter / Tumblr any time soon though, not that dumb. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> 

Absolutely. That SJW stuff is the last hysteric struggle of the old dieing liberal paradigm, that lead the western world since the 90s. All political sides are going full bore extremism now, so the best thing is to keep the heads down and let them do their stuff. I have no idea what the future holds, but considering the comming economic struggle, ressource competition and growing influence of the Islam, i'm not so positive about it.

Now going full "zoo rights movement" is as good as wearing a shirt with a painted cross-hair on it.


I'd sooner hang out with a member of PETA  than a fascist whom happens to be fond of fucking animals.

Opposing fascism is going out of style because the lessons of WW2 and Jim Crow have been forgotten.


2 hours ago, Eagle said:

I'd sooner hang out with a member of PETA  than a fascist whom happens to be fond of fucking animals.

Opposing fascism is going out of style because the lessons of WW2 and Jim Crow have been forgotten.

What's a fascist? When I may ask. Because in my country anyone is fascist who sees the EU critical. An anti-fascist organisation recently published a manual for Kindergarten teachers to observe parents of girls with braids because this is propably a sign of a nationalist household. A leftist "art" group doxed people who participated in an anti migration demonstration and wants to force their employes to fire them. You're propably a fascist, because your avatar is a nationalist symbol.

We had both, fascism and communism and both where generaly the same with different enemy images. In recent times it's not the right who wants to abolish democracy and to control the peoples opinions by force. It's the left and the anti fascists overreacting in the rise of conservative parties everywhere.

The lessons of WW2 and Jim Crow have no meaning for today, because the problems are fundamentally different compared to those of the beginning of the last century. There is no paradigm of social darwinism today, instead it's humanism running wild on a path of self-destruction.

They just became a weapon to put anyone down who isn't conform with the extreme left.

When it comes to zoophilia it's no difference. The comments under articles on this topic are the same on right and left platforms.


Its quite simple:  when you denigrate someone based on their race, religion (such as you have with Muslims) or other irrelevancy (including sexual orientation).

You have forgotten the lessons of WW2 and Jim Crow and are repeating the very same ill mindset, and in so doing you are helping to perpetuate those evils.  You claim there's no "social darwinism" mindset at the same time you declare its opposition to be absurd and the cause of all the world's problems (demonizing everyone except you is very classic fascism).

The "extreme left" only seems extreme when bigotry and fascism are your norm, which is where you are stuck and you keep regressing along with way too many people to the far right, back to the era of the dark ages and holy wars.

You have less than zero cause to complain about being oppressed.


I don't even think it's political to begin with, or religious, or moral. At any rate, it's barely still on topic and bordering on personal attacks. We're sick animal fuckers, to the left, the right and the middle; to every religious group including the atheist, and to anyone claiming any moral standards besides ourselves. It doesn't matter what climate we find ourselves in.

The only reason that such porn was so much more prevalent in the earlier days of the internet was that it was the earlier days. It was the wild west, untamed, lawless, a free-for-all. Dodge City. That always exists with a new platform, and never lasts. Wyatt Earp has come to Tombstone now though, and that porn and it's producers aren't the good guys at the OK Corral. It still exists, and will as long as there are taboo voyeurs out there paying for it though folks have to work harder to find it. If it sells, it'll be made. It'll just be more regulated or more illegal, it has to be one of the two. The majority decided on more illegal, or have headed that way, and it doesn't matter what politic they hold. They all pretty much hate us, even most of those who buy such porn do, so the laws pass that curtail their porn as well. Is what it is.



1 hour ago, Eagle said:

Its quite simple:  when you denigrate someone based on their race, religion (such as you have with Muslims) or other irrelevancy (including sexual orientation).

You have forgotten the lessons of WW2 and Jim Crow and are repeating the very same ill mindset, and in so doing you are helping to perpetuate those evils.  You claim there's no "social darwinism" mindset at the same time you declare its opposition to be absurd and the cause of all the world's problems (demonizing everyone except you is very classic fascism).

The "extreme left" only seems extreme when bigotry and fascism are your norm, which is where you are stuck and you keep regressing along with way too many people to the far right, back to the era of the dark ages and holy wars.

You have less than zero cause to complain about being oppressed.

Allright, I see I got you triggered. If someone is not extreme left, he must be automaticly extreme right... this is exactly that extreme hysteric mindset that will turn this world to ashes. No possible discussion without drifting into pathos and personal attacks.

I consider myself to be in the middle, I just observe what is happening. You are the one who pushes me into this role. 

My country was communist. We already had secret police, hunting down people who aren't conform to the political mainstream.

I bet you would've no problem, If I've written christian conservatives instead of islam. And no, I don't said muslims, I said islam. And that's a religion that has to tolerate criticism or we're going back into the middle ages and no, muslims are NO race. And muslims aren't opressed in the western world. Stop turning them into fake victims. Coming up with WW2 and Jim Crow is simply extremly stupid and belongs into another century. You simply have no idea what you're talking about and what really where the causes of the rise of the Nazis.

I see my country change every day a little bit more with islamic political groups getting stronger and stronger, demanding more and more special rights, and NO, I don't let you call me a nazi or fascist or whatever if I don't applause to this. It's not about the individuum, it's about the masses. And people driven by mass dynamics can and will turn into beast. Off course I would prefer if we all could happily sing around a rainbow bonfire, but that's simply not how humanity works. The group with the strongest identity bonds will simply dominate all other and will decide what's right and wrong considering their values. And sorry, that won't be the childless masses of liberal leftists that ruled over the western world since the 60s. It's simply math and sociology, cold and logic.


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