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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

22 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Are we ready for the next hoarder crisis?   Because guess what has been found effective in the prevention of covid,   Ivermectin.    At least I'm sure none of the livestock are at risk.

Even worse, Mt. Dew and Coke is disappearing off the shelves here in the far upper Midwest.  Screw toilet paper, I need my Dew!


1 hour ago, ferritlove said:

Even worse, Mt. Dew and Coke is disappearing off the shelves here in the far upper Midwest.  Screw toilet paper, I need my Dew!

Just so you know, I've been cutting cardboard separators so I can stack my Diet Dew high in the closet.


Cervids, try to find a box called an 'aural exciter'.  run your solid state stuff through it, and diddle the knobs till you get what you call 'tube sound'.  It's there.  You may have to use a cutoff for the highs as well.  As to the shit that's being foisted off currently by producers who hammer it to the wall, there's a processor called an Omnia Nine which has an excellent 'declipped' algorithm used to unhammer this stuff.  Unfortunately for home use, it's an FM broadcast processor, and it ain't at all cheap.  List is 11 Large, street is 8 to 9 Large.  Here's an Aural Exciter:  https://www.ebay.com/i/293789525515?chn=...4EQAvD_BwE




So anyone hear that the truckers are going on strike Nov 29th. Don't know how long for so be sure to stock up on the stuff you need as we all know that everything in stores is thanks to a Trucker.


Do we know what they want?  


Out of the 3 called strikes. one is better working conditions from their company. another is against over regulation of the truck indristy in FL. The third is because Trump lost.


Well I hope striking makes them feel better then, because it's a bit out of our league to fix all that. 

I thought maybe it was because of the posted increase of the price of diesel.  


On 11/9/2020 at 4:57 PM, caikgoch said:

Are we ready for the next hoarder crisis?   Because guess what has been found effective in the prevention of covid,   Ivermectin.    At least I'm sure none of the livestock are at risk.

That's old news.  Nothing happened becauae people were more busy testing out hoarding bleach for god knows what.


3 hours ago, Bear28 said:

Out of the 3 called strikes. one is better working conditions from their company. another is against over regulation of the truck indristy in FL. The third is because Trump lost.

Well third is non-negotiable short of a massive change in votes, but I genuinely do hope the other terms can be reasonably met before a strike.

14 hours ago, littlejohn said:

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Cervids, try to find a box called an 'aural exciter'.  run your solid state stuff through it, and diddle the knobs till you get what you call 'tube sound'.  It's there.  You may have to use a cutoff for the highs as well.  As to the shit that's being foisted off currently by producers who hammer it to the wall, there's a processor called an Omnia Nine which has an excellent 'declipped' algorithm used to unhammer this stuff.  Unfortunately for home use, it's an FM broadcast processor, and it ain't at all cheap.  List is 11 Large, street is 8 to 9 Large.  Here's an Aural Exciter:  https://www.ebay.com/i/293789525515?chn=...4EQAvD_BwE




I'm well aware of the tech.  Got off my tube fetish years ago.  Just was pointing out the stuff still sells.


 I visited a flea market last weekend (one of the few that remain open in the area).  One of the dealers, a fifty-something guy, was ranting and raving that the whole virus thing was a hoax and a scam.  No mask, no nothing,  I stayed the hell away from him.  There's a word for people like that, "covidiots."   I wonder if he'll keep on thinking that when he's lying in a hospital and they're about to shove tubes down his throat.

 An acquaintance of mine and his lady friend would go to a small town in northern Italy every year to see the Easter Passion Play.  This year, with the travel bans, they couldn't fly to Naples to get there, so they got creative.  They flew to Barcelona, Spain, took a train through France to as close to the Italian border as they could get, rented a car to cross the border and got a bus to their destination.  They spent several days there, got back to Barcelona and flew home.  They both started showing signs of illness on the plane on the way back to Florida.  

 They got snagged by a temperature scanner at the airport in Florida and were quarantined.  The lady friend, age 71, had a relatively mild case but spent 2 weeks plus in the hospital.  The guy, age 77, passed away after 9 days on a ventilator.

  All through the trip, they posted on social media about how they had skirted the travel bans and were able to go "wherever we want with impunity."  I can only guess how many people they shared their deadly "souvenir" with on buses, trains, planes and at airports.  Hope you enjoyed your trip, Phil.  See you in hell, dumbass.


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