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The right to die

Well, my "pleasant life" I earned by FIGHTING to lead that pleasant life since I was 15/16. And how pleasant it is to be forced to live among lots of "normal" horseowners carrying all kinds of suspicions towards "that strange guy", that´s another question, Saturnine. Or do you really think it all went smoothly without any effort from my side? What about becoming the literal "shit boy" , basically being paid for shoveling manure from 6M to 2 PM every fucking day for three years? What about having the Sword of Damocles of being exposed as a horse fucker hanging above your head since I can remember? What about all the heckle I had to go through in all these years, the work, the money, the time, etc. invested? If you really think I was gifted with horses without doing something for that, youre wrong. What about being permanently scolded from my mother for not using the good Abitur (German exams that allow you to immatriculate to a university) for something else than getting a low income riding instructor job? You really like to think in blacks and whites, Saturnine. You accuse others of being blind, but you yourself are suffering a maximum blindness called "being self absorbed". Yeah, we all know your routines by now, yaddayadda, I´m the creature suffering the most on the entire earth, why don´t you assholes ship horses to my living room for free, yaddayadda nobody knows the trouble I´ve seen, nobody knows my sorrow...become a Blues musician at least so this entire lament for lament´s sake has at least ONE productive purpose. I´ve really become tired of your monothematic replies. 


On 5/7/2018 at 10:13 AM, canicule said:

If you don't have the resolve to end your life now, you most likely won't have the resolve to do so even if your doctor assisted "suicide booths" become a reality.

I'd be first in line if it were suddenly legal.

On 5/7/2018 at 10:13 AM, canicule said:

the idea that the rule of law should force me to give away some of my own labour to finance the whims of strangers is pure turpitude to me

So you would rather your tax money finance their entire lives because they're too disabled to work? Ever heard of SSI?

On 5/7/2018 at 10:13 AM, canicule said:

Why are you so convinced you'll never get to that point?

Have you read any of my posts?


On 5/7/2018 at 10:31 AM, 30-30 said:

Well, my "pleasant life" I earned by FIGHTING to lead that pleasant life since I was 15/16.

Why did you even bother to reply? I wish I had your life. Sounds like so much fun, especially the part where you were actually able to be around horses.

On 5/7/2018 at 10:31 AM, 30-30 said:

What about becoming the literal "shit boy" , basically being paid for shoveling manure from 6M to 2 PM every fucking day for three years?

Oh, I'm so sorry. Would you rather have been confined to a hospital bed during your teens?


A couple of years ago I woke up in the ICU of one of the top ten hospitals in the world.      My local hospital transferred me there because I scared them.      The first doctor I saw on awakening was a shrink.      They wanted to be sure that I wasn't going to waste all the money that they had spent on me by killing myself.       I didn't know it then but I had been given a five percent chance of living out the year.

I've had nearly a hundred doctors since then, some the literal tops in their field and some students.     I still have some surgery to go because they wanted to make sure that I was going to live long enough to be worth the trouble of making things pretty.       But I worked today.       About half of those doctors have told me that my refusal to surrender any part of my life to the disease is why I am doing more than just surviving.      I spent an hour yesterday morning standing between two horses scratching one with each hand.      No lifting, no strain, just walk up and lean on them.

The point is:  Attitude Matters.     No hassles, no bullshit.      The first step to being right is getting your mind right.


Every situation is different. You can't say "I did it, so you can, too!" You just can't. My attitude is not the problem. Not even close. Are you telling me that I actually have hope? Everything that I have said suggests otherwise. There is no hope here. None.

So let's apply some logic to this. A person has no hope of getting better, they are suffering all the damn time, their back keeps failing on them, the world isn't gaining any benefit from keeping them alive... That sounds like a terminally ill patient, doesn't it? Heh. I guess if you don't have an expiration date stamped onto your foot, you deserve to suffer even more.

Pardon me, let me just change my attitude because that's the real issue here...

Doctor 1: "Do you see any reason why he should be kept alive?"

Doctor 2: "Nope. He has been suffering from his disorders for many years. In my professional opinion, he is hopeless and will not improve given the severity of his circumstances."

Doctor 3: "He just needs to change his attitude!"

Doctor 1 & 2: (confused look)


I've basically refuted every argument with logic, and it seems that there really is no reason at all not to allow assisted suicide for cases like mine.


There is no logic argument in an ethical debate.


You have yet to refute any of my new arguments.

Tell me, what is so ethical about allowing someone to suffer so horribly, especially when it could easily be prevented? What reason (logic) is there in that?

Let me also point out something that I find morbidly hilarious.

I can't even touch a horse once, even though it would greatly benefit my mental health. Literally nobody around me wants to help or even cares.

Logically, I want to die because nobody wants to help. People start to "care" when I bring up the topic of assisted suicide as a solution to this problem.



1 hour ago, Saturnine said:

I have yet to offer any new arguments.

Tell me, what is so ethical about depriving me of my victimhood, especially when it could easily be enhanced? What reason (logic) is there in that?

Let me also point out something that I find morbidly hilarious.

I can't make any effort at all, even though it would greatly benefit my mental health. I literally do not want anyone around me to help or care.

Logically, I want to die because it would be the ultimate victimhood. The logic that I would be unable to enjoy any benefit of this "ultimate victimhood" if I were to achieve it escapes me.     People try to tell me this when I bring up the topic of assisted suicide as a solution to this problem but I choose not to listen to them..




1 hour ago, Saturnine said:

You have yet to refute any of my new arguments.

Tell me, what is so ethical about allowing someone to suffer so horribly, especially when it could easily be prevented? What reason (logic) is there in that?

Let me also point out something that I find morbidly hilarious.

I can't even touch a horse once, even though it would greatly benefit my mental health. Literally nobody around me wants to help or even cares.

Logically, I want to die because nobody wants to help. People start to "care" when I bring up the topic of assisted suicide as a solution to this problem.


You don´t have "new" arguments, you only have opinions. Most of them revolving solely around your "suffering", like the true ego absorbed person you seem to be. 

"Tell me, what is so...." You suffer horribly? No, you don´t. Your life isn´t going exactly like you expect it to go and you call this "suffering"? And you want to have the option of walking the path of least resistance, you don´t even want to kill yourself by your own hand, you need assistance and "legal suicide"...what exactly for? Are you afraid that your corpse will be thrown into jail for "illegal suicide"? Why don´t you just do it yourself, then? There are multiple ways of doing it even without a gun or throwing yourself in front of a train. Or could it be that you´re just expecting others to "fix" your life,like you always do?

"I can´t even touch a horse once, it would greatly benefit my mental health"....rubbish. Chances are pretty high that your life, your mental health would not benefit in any way by simply "touching a horse". That´s your idee fixe, your snakeoil miraculously solving "all your problems"...chances are that you will only "level up" your demands once you "touched a horse" and the same kind of "If I only could..." would continue, just with another goal you claim you cannot reach because nobody helps. "If I could only fuck a horse once....why is no one in here letting me fuck his horse! You unempathic barbarians!". And again , you refuse to give an answer to the question of what exactly you would consider "help" here....mostly because you don´t know yourself what would "help" you. And miss me with that "If I only could touch a horse" shit...I´m pretty sure that you´d be able to meet horses all by yourself...if you only could get your ass up and try to manage this yourself. But your passivity ("I´m sooo depressed , why are you expecting me to become active myself? You brute!") plus the fact that you´re really expecting some random people from the internet to fix your shit for you will stand in your way as long as you´re hiding behind your "depressions". Nobody wants to help? Really?? You´ve been given lots of genuine advice in here, you´ve been given lots of genuine advice on reddit...and you still don´t even bother to actually TRY to help yourself and demand others to do it for you.

Logically, you just want to "die" for several reasons, but not once for "nobody wants to help". You want to "die" because your demands aren´t met. Like a little petulant child not getting his favourite candy bar. Do something yourself...and don´t expect others to satisfy your needs. But I guess all debates with you are totally in vain because you already picked your "role" in life as "the victim". It´s quite comfy to play that role because everyone else and life is to blame, but never you yourself for your current situation. Get your ass up , go out and at least try to fix your own shit...but don´t try to talk us into having a "guilty conscience" for not immediately grabbing our horses to let you "touch a horse once"...besides that, I´m really convinced that horses would not be very fond of you, with all the mental issues and self absorbance you´re displaying here. Oh, yeah, what will you do if you "touch a horse once", but the horse clearly shows rejection towards you? Bites you or runs away from that emotional black hole you are? Especially horses seem to be perfectly able to avoid people like you, not wanting to be sucked into your emotional Schwarzschild radius...



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