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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

13 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

You know Facebook tracks you across ALL platforms, right?  Not just their own?

Firefox lets you open any site you want in a 'container' tab which prevents that site from tracking you elsewhere. I think it's available as an add-on called FB container, but works on anything.


I'm not aware that you have to open Facebook for it's trackers to run in the background.  Just having the app is all it takes.

But kudos to Firefox! 



The freezing rain has started coming down hard enough that I can hear it from indoors.  

They say a couple weeks without breaking freezing.  Longest below-freezing stretch in 25 years. 

Covid and ice.  Not goin' anywhere soon-- 



 We've been having a typical New England winter here, so far.  Maybe just a bit more snowy than it's been in the past few years, more like it used to be.

 Got my first COVID shot a few days ago (Pfizer), no noticeable side effects.  I was only able to get it 'cause I'm over 65.   I'm an essential worker, but that doesn't buy you anything in this state just yet.  From what I've been hearing and reading, it's the SECOND shot that tends to kick your @$$.   We'll see.  They told me to schedule the second shot as soon as I got home from the first one.  Good luck with that!  I logged onto the State website today and found one appointment about an hour away, somebody else must have cancelled.  It's a week late, but that's not a problem, apparently.  You need to get the same manufacturer for both shots.

 Paws crossed for our friends in the Southwest, Texas in particular. 


so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

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15 hours ago, DingoJay said:

They told me to schedule the second shot as soon as I got home from the first one.  Good luck with that!

They scheduled my second one automatically when I got my first one.  Week from now I go back.  Weather and supply chain permitting I suppose.  


i doing pretty good...a lot of people around me are getting vaccines by hook or crook....one guy went to hy vee at midnight to get an appointment...many of my friends are nurse or some sort of first responder or teacher...so they are all vaccinating in one way or another...i am still in no rush...of course if i die...all you folks should take notice...i still like the j&j single shot myself...lots of things are opening up and and infection rate is down to the 3% level roughly sooooo sing along with me "I am happy"


I've got my second and in just a few days will be officially immune.   I even have an official vaccinated card.   I hope the virus can read.


11 hours ago, caikgoch said:

I've got my second and in just a few days will be officially immune.   I even have an official vaccinated card.   I hope the virus can read.

Well, see, THERE's your problem:  The South African strain is ESL , don't read English so good..... 


When you first start to realize that maybe you've let your personal hygiene slip a bit since becoming a Covid Hermit:



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