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The right to die

We've gone way off topic here, BTW. Lets try to steer it back to Saturines original idea.



5 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

They have indeed.  The only high point is the 'net; you can talk to people from around the globe instead of only local people.  It was pretty cool being able to talk directly to old zoo guys in person though, something pretty hard to do today.

I'd honestly pretty much like that, I have never ever met another zoo IRL, fetishists yes, but not really other zoos; it feels kinda annoying to have all these layers.

5 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:

I was 35 when I came online, after Tippy died in 98. Some of the old timers I met then had been around online for better'n 10 years by then. 

I don't believe there are near as many references to zoophilia in ancient art as "we" wish there were. I think most were done as insults and jokes rather than descriptions of accepted practice. I also don't believe there are as many "zoos" today as we wish, a lot of those claiming such are not.

In my teens I witnessed a very dangerous atmosphere for those who were openly gay. To advertise your zoophilia or 'bestiality' as it was still known, would have earned far more than ridicule. Even in the 90s it could result in bodily harm for you asnd your animals. I doubt it's changed much, just including new laws for you to fight while you heal.


Do you think there are only so little zoos in the world?...

uh uh ok, nvm.... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/mellow.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":|" width="20" /> I stop.


6 minutes ago, Cat said:


Do you think there are only so little zoos in the world?...

Only thing I know of that seemed to be (at least attempted) documented was the Kinsey Report.  Early '50's.  I remember thinking when I read the stats that there were more of us than I thought.


Um, sorry; post went through before I saw sw reply. . . . .  


On 5/28/2018 at 1:27 AM, caikgoch said:


Quote the whole post before you say things like " It's so easy to talk about something than to do it."       I literally left a third of my mass in that hospital and couldn't even lift my arms off the bed when I woke up.      And it fucking hurt!!!!!        But today is a holiday.      And I am going to spend today with the horses thinking about how lucky I am not to be dead.

I'm glad you're doing so well! Congrats.


1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

Only thing I know of that seemed to be (at least attempted) documented was the Kinsey Report.  Early '50's.  I remember thinking when I read the stats that there were more of us than I thought.

I do obey Silverwolf´s "call to order" regardingf staying on topic of this thread, but let me quote a bit from the wiki article about the Kinsey report:

"...that people who volunteer to be interviewed about taboo subject are likely to create a self-selection bias."

" Psychologist Abraham Maslow asserted that Kinsey did not consider "volunteer bias". The data represented only those volunteering to participate in discussion of taboo topics."

We can see this self-selection/volunteer bias in every survey on zoophilia even today. This bias explains why the picture painted in these surveys massively diverges from the actual reality of the worldwide animal fucker "community", represented by sites like Beastforum, for example.  


There are actually more than most folk know, a lot of Roman and earlier-era porn doesn't get reported to the monotheistic public.  Puritanicalism was pretty rare before the rise of monotheism.  


On 6/7/2018 at 4:48 PM, silverwolf1 said:

We've gone way off topic here, BTW. Lets try to steer it back to Saturines original idea.


Yeah, the idea that nobody even agrees with...

Heh, but what do I know?


13 hours ago, Saturnine said:

Yeah, the idea that nobody even agrees with...

Heh, but what do I know?

It remains your topic though. Perhaps seeing the lack of agreement itself says something worthy of your notice. If you, as OP, feel the topic ended, it can be closed. If not, steer it where you want it to go. Random swerving off topic by others is unfair to your discussion though, and not in the forums best interests.

What do you know? You tell me. That's kinda the idea here.



I have thought about dying.      It's not about avoiding pain (physical or mental), it's the simple realization that things aren't working as well as they used to.       Elementary projection shows that some day before too long enough things are going to stop working that it will be time to move on, whether I want to or not.      The "thinking" part is about just when and how to do that.      

I would like to accomplish something with my final act.        I would also like to have a unique experience with lots of excitement and sensation.       My current final fantasy would be to feed myself to a starving whale.


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