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How to deal with lack of contact with horses?

I was going to tell you, Artic. But I fear the strict rules and that you wouldn't change your mind.

At least in the end you figured it out yourself. And no thanks to me, but himself. His attention seeking may be working but his sympathy begging seems to fail at times.

As long as he is here, this will be an endless stream of this thing over and over again.

8 minutes ago, arcticwolf said:


Heh, definitely. If you know what I mean.



Life is fucking a bitch!   [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />


Chill out, guys.  Many of us have gone through long periods of yearning for contact without access.  I myself have been dogless for a very long time, and that was after having had a canine wife.  "STFU STOP WHINING" is pure trolling, it has no constructive value whatsoever.


5 hours ago, Eagle said:

Chill out, guys.  Many of us have gone through long periods of yearning for contact without access.  I myself have been dogless for a very long time, and that was after having had a canine wife.  "STFU STOP WHINING" is pure trolling, it has no constructive value whatsoever.

It's pretty obvious that none of them have an idea of what I'm going through. They've all had contact with horses before.


3 hours ago, Saturnine said:

<div class="ipsQuote_citation">
9 hours ago, <a data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=1442&do=hovercard" href="<___base_url___>/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=1442">Eagle</a> said:

Chill out, guys.  Many of us have gone through long periods of yearning for contact without access.  I myself have been dogless for a very long time, and that was after having had a canine wife.  "STFU STOP WHINING" is pure trolling, it has no constructive value whatsoever.


It's pretty obvious that none of them have an idea of what I'm going through. They've all had contact with horses before

ok ... first off eagle .... i did start to come across that way ... for that i am truly sorry to everyone. Not had time to read much here lately, this was the first or second post i read last night with anyhting about Saturine ... and let my feelings get out of hand.

Saturine ... take a moment to actually look at some of the things that have been posted ... you should if you actually want to SEE it ... many of us DO UNDERSTAND ... and have been trying to help you in the only ways we can think of to help you. FACT!  Belieave it or not most of us here are genuine REAL People that simply love animals as much as you do. We do tru;ly wish to help, but we are limited in what we can do ... except try to help you deal with it mentally some how. We don't truly know HOW to help you with this despite wishing too ... we are trying.

I will and DO Apologize, if i ever come across as not caring, because shit in my own life messes up what i actually wish to say.


but we don't don't how, we are simply trying what we can think of that might help.


11 hours ago, heavyhorse said:


Life is fucking a bitch!   [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />

No i am fucking a bitch!

Well, not in a long time, only males last several years.

i think it counts because i WOULD Be fucking a bitch if she was here .....

Lot more fun to be fucking a bitch. Then life fucking you like a bitch.

Is that the trick to life, when life fucks you like bitch ... just yell fuck you life and go fuck a bitch and make her and you happy to spite life trying to fuck you.[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":o" width="20" /> DO NOT Bust my bubble and tell me that ain't it. Let me keep my false hope.


4 hours ago, Saturnine said:

It's pretty obvious that none of them have an idea of what I'm going through. They've all had contact with horses before.

Most of us not actually born on a farm have had a yearning-but-no-access phase.  I've gone through having-had-a-taste-but-then-didn't-have-access-for-a-long-time phase.  If I had a place with horses and were geographically proximate, I would try to see if I might be able to help, but unfortunately I don't, and I don't even have much time off work (I have no more than a single day per week off work [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":/" width="20" />  and its very busy trying to deal with the repercussions of my car being stolen a couple weeks ago, still robbing me of my already preciously small free time :/)


20 hours ago, arcticwolf said:

No i am fucking a bitch!

Well, not in a long time, only males last several years.

i think it counts because i WOULD Be fucking a bitch if she was here .....

Lot more fun to be fucking a bitch. Then life fucking you like a bitch.

Is that the trick to life, when life fucks you like bitch ... just yell fuck you life and go fuck a bitch and make her and you happy to spite life trying to fuck you.[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":o" width="20" /> DO NOT Bust my bubble and tell me that ain't it. Let me keep my false hope.

I disagree Life is a fucking bitch; but I like your logic, pretty amusing [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

On the subject of the thread I completely understand feeling helpless and without any means to be happy; I've had my moments, but I've still survived what I thought was entirely impossible; I should only have a couple chemo treatmennts left and I will be cancer free.. Do you guys realize how debilitating cancer is?? As for being disabled; don't get me started, I've been diagnosed with anxiety disorders, I'm autistic, plus I've had clinical depression for years, but even through all of that I never gave up on getting my own pup and trying to be happy..

I have to agree with some points here saturnine.. Your holding yourself back; life is to short to not live for what you want and reach your goals, don't just give up; because theres obstacles in the way, if i can fight cancer, you sure as hell can beat your problem's; please don't take this the wrong way, because I do really care man; I believe in you; i believe you have it in you to beat this [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


To all the people who have responded negatively in this thread; how in any way is that helpful? When you constantly cut someone down that's depressed already, what do you think the outcome will be? Surely not someone who belives in themself... It mostly results in someone that has a crushed self esteem is what, that's just like times I've opened up here about my feelings I've been shunned away, even by mods; people need to realise not everyone has it good, its like people see depressed people like some piece of garbage, its almost stereotypical.. Who are we as a community to cut someone down that's depressed because hes never even got a chance at love with an animal, who here has never felt how shitty it feels to be alone?? do any of you realise how much it fucks with a persons head???..... no but add on nobody being polite to this guy and cutting him down?? Wtf people


Seriously though here's my advice, your asking how to deal with lack of contact with horses; I'll say the same thing I did back when we talked regularly on zf.. You need to get a companion, a dog would be most reasonable, and afforadble in your situation; you may even qualify for a sevice dog; even if your not a "dog zoo" I don't think you realise just how beneficial having one around would be for your mental wellbeing.. Trust me in a way I was as stubborn about this as well, all I wanted was my friends dog, nothing less would do; I took me 2 years of loneliness, you heard that right years to finally decide enough is enough, and get a dog of my own.. Point is I'm glad I did; he may not be exactly who I wanted, but he's what choice I had available to me, he really has helped me come out of a bad streak of depression and we have become close (not the same as my soulmate but its still love nonetheless), I know and realise all you want is a horse, and I truly hope it happens for you someday; but for the time being at least consider a dog to fill the loneliness in your life, I doubt you'll regret it like you suggest; and what's the saying "beggers can't be chooser's"; I honestly wish I would have taken this same advice back in the day.. It would have saved me years of unnecessary pain


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