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How to deal with lack of contact with horses?

I can't be with a dog in this state of mind. Not as long as my yearning for horses remains. I just can't see myself devoting all of my time into a dog because of this situation. There isn't enough heart in me to accept the love of a dog while I'm going through something like this. Actually my heart is completely broken. It can only be repaired by a horse.


There is no surer way to fail than to refuse to try.


You guys mean well but I think I know what he means. At least, if I do some massive projecting to fill in the blanks I don't know about his life. His brain is still dealing with the situation like an acute trauma. In that situation, I had an animal and still couldn't stop thinking about suicide every day. It's only after my brain started to rewire to accept the situation chronically that I could truly appreciate the value of having a companion like that and that it made a huge a difference. So if it were logistically possible for him (kinda doubt it) he could visit a shelter or something but I wouldn't tell him to get a dog at this point in time.


I guess you could say that. The "traumatized brain" as I think of it has trouble with accepting certain things. You're right, getting a dog would not solve this problem, and it would be unfair to her if one day I became so depressed that my suicidal urges overtook me, and I left her behind.


Just now, Saturnine said:

I guess you could say that. The "traumatized brain" as I think of it has trouble with accepting certain things. You're right, getting a dog would not solve this problem, and it would be unfair to her if one day I became so depressed that my suicidal urges overtook me, and I left her behind.

Man your keen on jumping to the negative side of things of the bat, I can't say much because I've done the same in the past, but your not looking at the positive side of getting a dog though, you doubt it will help you, but you fail to even try?? My cancer and severe depression didn't stop me from getting a dog; if anything it gave me more strength; you think throughout this hell i never thought about attempting suicide? My dog kept me going, he gave me a reason to live, to keep fighting, you need that, a reason to have motavation, to enjoy life. everyone does, in fact you've said it yourself before

How do you know for sure a dog won't bring happiness? Have you ever had one of your own? I'm trying to help, but I can't help you if you won't help yourself.. Sometimes in life we have to accept that we won't get exactly what we want, or it will take a lot of effort to get it, that's life, it sucks sometimes, but you either take what could be available, or miss out on something that could positively impact your life.. I'm just saying think about it atleast



I'm not getting a dog before I've had the opportunity to be around a horse.


It is like being only into lady's or only into guys and you can't change that .

Look for photo's of horses you like stallions  showing them drop  video clips of horse breeding 

and mares in heat . You want the feel and touch and just to be around horses me as well 

Get off as much as possible watching the video's and looking at your favourite horse photos.

You are stuck and I am stuck as well .

I all so groom horses , paddock checks  feed and water  horse care  offer to help out free but still can't find this over the years .




Welcome to the forum David, and that last line is sound advice even if your interest in horses is non-sexual. No better way to learn about them than to be around them, and stables are always looking for an extra hand. I've helped several young ladies choose horses, or not choose them, as their 4H or FFA project over the years the same way.

Patience may, or may not, bring what you desire. Many, very, very many "normal" men go their entire lives without once touching a woman too. We don't always get what we want...There's less competition for horse sex though.



I understand you, I went through the same thing, but once I had a member-to-member contact, the horse approached me and observed me as consenting


Haven't been near a horse in years. It is hard. Not much else to be said.


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