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The right to die

Just now, Eagle said:

What Stalin installed was not communism.  Any more than North Korea being a "democratic people's republic."

That's the result of the attempt of creating an utopia, history repeats itself, they have become a representation of that attempt; creating such utopia should not be tried ever, and no amount of "it wasn't real communism" we try again should be an excuse for installing a system that allows such level of corruption and power over the masses; the end result is the same, even if the concept in paper is beautiful, it doesn't work, and it leads to corruption and suffering.


*Steps back to respectable distance and waits for sw 's next response--*


Wait no longer. Make a separate thread please for this discourse on communism, in theory or practice. I might even join it, having fought one version most of my life. It doesn't belong here though. The desire to die fighting it, yes. Debating it, no. 



19 hours ago, Cat said:

Killing communists.

Like the ones on the top; if I got to die one way would be by sweet revenge. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ph34r.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":ph34r:" width="20" />[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/angry.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=">:(" width="20" />[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/angry.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=">:(" width="20" />

Cat, I've been oppressed my whole life as well, and I have a lot of anger toward my own country because of it. My disabilities have forced me into an underclass where I have no freedom. I would've been able to do more in life if it weren't for the horrible treatment that I receive from everyone. I'll always be a "lesser being" in their eyes, not worthy of happiness or empathy.

We don't have to talk about communism, but oppression exists in many forms.


I'm actually going to expand upon the previous post and say that I am nothing short of appalled when someone tells me that they don't support this issue. It's like saying that people who can't kill themselves should just shut up and continue living in misery. It doesn't seem humane at all when you think about it. We kill animals when they are suffering from severe pain, but when a person is involved, suddenly everyone is against the practice of euthanasia.

And to anyone that says I could kill myself, if I can't even function enough to live a fulfilling life, what makes you think that I have the means to do something like this?

I don't want my suffering to be in vain. If a doctor would do this, it wouldn't have to be.


3 hours ago, Saturnine said:

Cat, I've been oppressed my whole life as well, and I have a lot of anger toward my own country because of it. My disabilities have forced me into an underclass where I have no freedom. I would've been able to do more in life if it weren't for the horrible treatment that I receive from everyone. I'll always be a "lesser being" in their eyes, not worthy of happiness or empathy.

We don't have to talk about communism, but oppression exists in many forms.

It's not the same, trust me it's not; had you lived there, you'd have starved to your own demise or be killed; I don't really like talking about this nevertheless, I don't like to pinpoint the kind of environment I came from, it wasn't always like this, but it is what it is.

Anyway I rather rush before SW beats me [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> and I'd not really like to make a thread on the discussion of communism, first because I lived it in flesh in soul and secondly because that's even more likely to cause splitting in an already fractured community.


I was just pointing out that oppression is live and well, even in a "free" country like the US.

Trust me, if it were legal to kill people (a la "The Purge"), they would be coming for people like me before anyone else.


On 6/11/2018 at 0:09 AM, heavyhorse said:

If you're going to go, go with style! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />

Go out in the woods and throw rocks at a bear. Better yet, find a mamma with cubs and try to grab one.


20 minutes ago, threelegs said:

Go out in the woods and throw rocks at a bear. Better yet, find a mamma with cubs and try to grab one.

Or go to the party shop and rent a creepy Clown suit.  Then walk along any major highway.  

Or stand behind a cow in heat, then go to the bull pen.

There's "A million ways to die in the west".


The trolling mockery waged against our own community members whom are suffering gets very tiresome very fast.  Cruel-heartedness never ceases to disgust infuriate me, but I need to maintain a strong focus on Saturnine here and the topic of the original post.

There are situations where ongoing life has too much pain and misery, and a peaceful, comfortable death is more merciful and graceful when all other options have been exhausted.  "True" zoophiles will face this time and time again .... whether a horse or dog or other subject of our affection, we will survive a series of "to death do we part" fulfillments.  I have spent a lot of time and thought trying to justify the cultural norm of distinguishing the values or rights of non-human animal rights versus human rights, but I have found none.  Every zoophile I know that has been around long enough to have to make that choice to end the life of a beloved beast because time, affliction or injury condemns the remainder of days to be filled with pain and suffering.

Whether human or animal, I do believe a right to live is essential, but above it is a right to live comfortably and free of pain, and where the two conflict, one should have the right to end one's life -- but only after all other options to fix the issue that would allow one to live without pain have been attempted.


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