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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:


OK, MAJOR fuckup.  Mine or software?  Don't know, don't care.

PLEEEEEZE sw, delete all the duplicates.   I'm sure once is enough....  




8 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:





Less talking when the bed is rocking. Been in it, through and out the other side of Covid-19. Or a version of the damn virus that left me bed ridden for most of March.

Social distancing largely gets ignored by family members, so no change there. But honestly? It's dedicated play time for me. I even upgraded my computer to a real good gaming rig to celebrate lock down myself. I almost wish the virus will kill off more people making the world less stupid. Though it's as stupid as they come, not targeting any specific gender or class of bigot. Even China's biochemical warfare program is cheap I guess.

What did I do animal related recently? Donate to wildlife petitions to stop wolf culling in this province with a tax donation from the government. It got the word out, now it's all people are talking about. Raising the vibration of planet Earth is my dream. If I can do it with the help of animals, it'll heal Earth's grids even faster.

I'm at one with the wild and the cosmic, the spiritual and the scientific, the lover and the beloved, the world afree.


21 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

So sort of back to topic:

Anyone gotten their check yet?


I spent 2 days filling out and verifying every aspect of my existence to see if I get some of the payments for the self-employed who are out of work due to Covid-19.  The site is completely overwhelmed.  All kinds of error messages (that's why it took so long).  We'll see how that goes....  

I'm not even bothering. "If ya don't need it, why take it?" is my philosophy, and I don't. Kinda like Ford and the Bail-out though, it'll probably be forced upon me. It's just an advance on my refund next year anyway, it'll have to be claimed as income then. 

I've got enough to do here, since the hired help can't come. Quite a few things aren't getting done simply because I can't do them, but the animals are getting taken care of properly. Other'n that, there's still a lot of rebuilding that was put on halt because of this and I'm doing a little there. I'm also tinkering with some of the damaged equipment daily. Busy hands make a busy mind..



Yeah staying busy is key.  The baby lambs are coming, saved a couple already by going arm-deep; prepping and planting some stuff, building some equipment from mostly scratch (old stuff sitting around), repaired part of the small tractor (gawd it takes a long time to get parts and stuff now)...


9 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

I'm not even bothering. "If ya don't need it, why take it?" is my philosophy, and I don't. Kinda like Ford and the Bail-out though, it'll probably be forced upon me.

I haven't had a paying job or livestock sale since Mar 3.  I wouldn't mind a job if the people wanted to drop something off to be worked on and then left.  Or work on it in place at their place if they again went far away.  I don't much care for people around when I'm working anyway; it's not particularly a joy, and I have to watch constantly, can't even go back to the truck for tools.  Often have to tell them to please corral their rug-rats.  Something about an open 220v access panel attracts them like a magnet; I've had them get their fingers stuck in the slots of an air cleaner and had to deform the housing to get them loose.  

Don't mind so much when their animals come around, they are usually more curious about me than the job.  Occasionally they make it obvious they are used to getting a bit of "special" attention from humans; unfortunately I have to disappoint them, even when they press their case, like the big pink sow who quite deliberately flopped down right where I was working when I ignored her rather pointed advances.  Quite happy for me to sit on her belly to reach my work.  To my knowledge there isn't a single case of anyone getting the virus from domestic animals, so I'm good.

Fortunately the mortgage is paid off, but their paltry $133/week will still come in handy for utilities, feed and such.  I figure it as payback for some of what I've paid in in better times...  

18 hours ago, elshara said:

I almost wish the virus will kill off more people making the world less stupid.

OK, this.  The planet is clearly overpopulated; there's hardly any problem that isn't caused or made worse by too much human biomass.  Darwin was right.  If the anti-vaxxers, science deniers and the shallow end of the gene pool want to be the ones to thin the herd, fine by me.  Just Please take the Morons at the top with you when you go....  


I just got mine.    it together with my regular SS.


15 hours ago, caikgoch said:

I just got mine.    it together with my regular SS.

Well!  That's progress.  And maybe why I haven't seen mine; I haven't been taking my SS, letting it grow a bit.  


Still waiting on mine.

Also partial-unemployment is a joke. After jumping through hoops and 6 HOURS on HOLD they said i was only entitled to $60/week. Guess its better then nothing but sill a slap in the face.


i need to check to see if i got mine...i am on ss so i assume it would come automatically...


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