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Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums?

I know this has been a fear, and topic of heavy discussion, among those who create bestiality porn, either homemade or commercial, since Zooville came on the scene. I recently read this post on their forum however that has me questioning that idea. 


I believe this was spearheaded by <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/3507-zthorse/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="3507" href="<___base_url___>/profile/3507-zthorse/">@ZTHorse</a> there, so will ask him to clarify here if I am wrong in details, but I believe they are actually helping amateur porn creators protect their 'intellectual property' from such theft by their or any other forum or individual and potentially profit by it. If so it is a major divergence from Beastforum & it's predecessors.

My own feelings on commercial porn remain unchanged, however the idea that their forum has taken an ethical stance toward the content uploaded  on it does deserve a nod of approval if I've read into it correctly.



Yea or nay (neigh?) the fact remains.  You can copyright (or patent) the hell out of anything you like, but once it's "out there"  it's basically in the public domain.  Sure it's bootleg or counterfeit, but you ain't gettin' your royalties, or keeping your anonymity.  One person gets it (or buys it) and "shares"......   Look at the Requests section over there; half of the requests are for someone to share the full-length videos of such-and-such Actor or paysite.  

And, oh yes, it's "out there".  Forever.  World wide (web).  As the legal climate changes.  Today's bestiality may well be tomorrow's room with striped sunlight. 

Just saying....   Think it through.... 


Personally, I don't think the risk would be worth the little money you'd get from this.

I'm curious, though, Silverwolf ... why even address this topic on this forum, when such product is forbidden on this site?

12 hours ago, threelegs said:

I'm curious, though, Silverwolf ... why even address this topic on this forum, when such product is forbidden on this site?

Because it is an issue in the community. Because it has been a complaint/ fear addressed here about that forum. Because there are members here who it would be of interest and concern to, not only on the pro-porn or porn creator sides of the issue, but at other perspectives. And last, because I wanted it discussed here, in an open & as unbiased as I can manage forum.

I understand the misgivings in creating bestiality porn. I think you folks have misunderstood what I meant in the post. I'm not encouraging folks to go out and make porn to share there. Far from it. I think it's the stupidest thing you can do.

There are folks ALREADY DOING IT though, some 'homeade', most not. Posting to other forums of old meant the forum itself stole their videos, copyrighted them & profited from them. Folks expressed the same fear for Zooville, but this seems to contradict that. I'm asking here whether it really does, or doesn't. Are there loop-holes I missed in reading it? Is there something we should point out to those who are going to create & post ANYWAY? Can <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/3507-zthorse/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="3507" href="<___base_url___>/profile/3507-zthorse/">@ZTHorse</a> explain the idea for us so we better understand it? 

I'll continue warning folks not to create porn at all. It's dangerous. I've already got a series of 5 clips out there that can never be taken back. Luckily, they're unpopular. But still, they're out there. Arrogance & deep depression, and a bit of narcissism, have Shadow on the web. Dead already, she's untouchable. But my other animals aren't. They won't care that I'm not sexually active with any of them, and the animals will be 'polluted', unfit for adoption in their opinion & euthanized. DON'T. Just don't.



I've shared one or two vids.  No identification in them.  Fortunately, since one ended up on BF.



I'm wondering if they have exotic porn like deer/bears/cheetahs? Does anything involving those species exist on the internet?


I have seen private vids with deer and reindeer (which I don't think are deer at all, but not to be picky) and a couple of hideously bad photography deer vids on "sites".  A bit of fingering big cats through the fence.  Not much serious with critters that can eat you on a whim.  Good luck. 


9 hours ago, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

I'm wondering if they have exotic porn like deer/bears/cheetahs? Does anything involving those species exist on the internet?

One zoo I know of old had a Cervid lover, and made & shared videos of himself and her. Homemade stuff, of that quality, but done much to his later regret. Another zoo, an ex lover, used those videos against him in a threat to 'out' him and harm her when the relationship went south. That stuff, and the lingering threat, remain 'out there'. The zoo does not, nor his Cervid lover. She died, he killed himself some years ago still fearing his identity would be revealed.

I know of another, also with a Cervid lover, who made porn on a commercial scale. He made some vids of her, but not commercially, just commercial quality. They too remain out there, but again, there is a threat by an ex human lover. That Cervid lovers death crushed that zoo, which surprised me. I hadn't thought at the time he loved her so deeply. Folks cannot always know what is truly in a mans heart.

There was another zoo, he met a deer once and fell in love. He made no porn, never had sex with her that he mentioned, and never forgot her. He spoke of her with me often in between our private debates. He too killed himself. I suspect to this day it was as much a melancholy over her as it was a depression that drove him to it..

Deer are a beautiful soul.



Wow.  Deer seem to be some kind of weird "third rail".  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/blink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="O.o" width="20" />

Sorry to hear that Silver...

Sometimes you see feral deer at state/national parks. Once I saw this girl had to be no more then 10 years old practically hugging this huge Bucks neck like he was a giant puppy. He was probably looking for food handouts.


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