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Bestia Amore: a new Zoo Podcast!

Hey folks, myself and a couple friends are starting a new Podcast endeavor! We're going to record Wednesday, Sep. 2nd 10 PM EST.

We'll be posting later this week on Anchor! Be sure to check us out if you're interested.





I can only think of about 438 ways this could end badly, but be careful and Good Luck....    



17 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

I can only think of about 438 ways this could end badly, but be careful and Good Luck....   

We're aware there could be potential risks, we're covering for it as well. We're also not going to go full-on NSFW, nor are we going to reveal any personal information about ourselves or locations.



Your tech, host, ISP can betray you even if you are careful what you say.  The anti's will stop at nothing to DOX you.....  


Just now, heavyhorse said:

Your tech, host, ISP can betray you even if you are careful what you say.  The anti's will stop at nothing to DOX you.....  

Wouldn't be in the best interest of our ISP, or host. There's no law we'd be breaking. As far as the Antis, they are mostly stupid children online looking to make a name for themselves. I've honestly gotten over the 'big scary Antis'. What are they going to do / find?


3 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

As far as the Antis, they are mostly stupid children online looking to make a name for themselves.

No, most already have a name and need no more notoriety by jailing you. They're committed organizations who don't care if you appear with-in the letter of the Law if they believe Abuse is involved (and they do, period!). They can, and will, make their case with your ISP, your host and anyone non-zoo involved in your project; then make a case against you for cruelty to animals in a Court of Law better than you can defend against.

The others, the non-organized individuals, aren't looking for a name either. They have one too, and it's a knick in the zoo community that you know and trust. Someone who just decided for whatever reason to turn on the community one day and already knows all the in's and out's. He goes by several different names now, gaining that trust and your info as you add to what you put out there. He's committed to, to hating us now and that hatred grows in him more and more. And "He" is multiples.

Children? No son, far from children.



This.  ^    ^    My point, expanded.   

Your host and ISP may not come after you themselves.  But they will surrender your info, intentionally or otherwise, under legal duress, or by hack.  Some anti's are boobusses making hate posts.  Others are dedicated and well financed tech wizards.  (PETA or HSUS ring a bell?)  By making yourself a high profile target they will probe vulnerabilities across multiple platforms to get enough info/evidence to pin you to the wall.  A wall with striped sunlight if they have their way.  

We're not heckling you, we care about you. 



I know you're not. I also know what I'm up against, I know the rounds taken by these places. They can try, but I've been as open as I am on and off over the years with no ill fate. Plus, I am armed, and am not afraid to use it: to put it simply. I've also over twenty years of tech and sec. experience, and a friend who's going for a masters in cybersec. Trust me, mos tof the ones we deal with today are mostly bumbling idiots with no head on their shoulders.

Now, as far as HSUS and PETA, those jokers havn't gotten anything right in a decade or so, doesn't mean they aren't trying: but it's going to be pretty damn hard to actually get 'nabbed', especially by script kids using things like keyloggers, and 'grabify' links. They can grab an IP, but that can change.

I don't use Windows as a primary platform, neither does one of my co-hosts, so that makes the 'breaching' a lot harder. Plus the fact we're using 'fake' emails and no real names or forms of financial exchange here.

I do appreciate the info though guys, for the newbie Zoo too: it's especially useful.



I -- for one -- am excited about this podcast, I think it will be interesting to see what topics you come up with.


12 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Now, as far as HSUS and PETA, those jokers havn't gotten anything right in a decade or so

ASPCA has, RSPCA has, SPCA International has. They are the ones passing through the anti-cruelty laws and pushing their enforcement, and they ARE the law, and they are good at it. I personally don't care if you screw up and get yourself caught, that's on you. You've been warned to take every step you can to protect yourself, but you seem to have a blase attitude about the issue and feel you're smarter than everyone around you and that the dangers don't exist. You believe that because you personally don't know any zoo that has been jailed that means no zoo has ever been jailed, none of his animals executed, none of his family shamed..

I'm not saying here "Don't do your Podcast" or "I don't believe you are protecting yourself". I'm saying maybe change your attitude when you're given experienced advice. Maybe folks won't feel like giving it so honestly the next time..



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