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Sex guide for Mares

1 hour ago, silverwolf1 said:

Even getting kicked in the open can do more'n tumble ya by the way, IF they want to..

Oh hell yes!  And very much worse if the hoof is shod.  Iron is harder than bone.  A pasture horse (one not in or training for competition) should not be kept shod except for rare medical reasons.  An unshod hoof is a healthier hoof anyway.  Most of my horses went their entire lives without shoes.  Mini's to drafts.  And I live on rough rocky wilderness ground.  ("The difference between topsoil and creek gravel is our topsoil has sharper points".)

Interestingly, being kicked by a draft (and I mean a 2000 Lb draft, not a drafter pony) is like a very rough shove, somewhat less like a high velocity impact.  Sort of like the difference between being hit by a car and being hit by a bullet.  Maybe less so, but that kind of effect.

And I actually think the most PAINFUL kick is by a donkey.  That's the bullet.  And you won't see it happen, you just double up.  And where an experienced horse person will see a horse start to "wind up" (best described I guess as a slight rise and rolling forward of the hindquarter musculature in preparation to raising the foot) you won't see that with a donkey.  You will see, maybe, the already back ears pin tightly against the neck for, oh, maybe 1/4 second.  Then OW!  

To the extent possible, make it an unconscious instinct to go FAR behind a horse or very CLOSE (as in brushing past).  It's the few feet back bit that will kill you-- 


16 hours ago, AvianRaptor said:

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="153" href="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/">@caikgoch</a> I'm very curious, given the information in the other horse sex thread about stallion flares growing up to three sizes larger during orgasm; I don't know if your partner is a pony or smaller sized, but did you have proper care about sizing up his equipment first? Maybe the answer is in some other old posts, that I'd have to find, but I just realized I can ask.

He's a horse though not by much and is something of a pencil by equine standards.   Even so It took a while to "adjust" myself up to his proportion.


My Grandfather used ta say "Show me a Horseman who hasn't been kicked an' I'll show you a fraud." That said, "Once is enough ta learn ya." was another of his favorites. I never have had a Donkey around my herds, but several Mules (If I ever did have sex with an equine, it'd prolly be a Mule if it ain't Misty) and they kick like hell! Once may be enough to learn ya, but they're tricksy lil' creatures and I've been a target for about every one I've had *chuckles* ! One caught me in the pants seat when I wasn't even as near as I thought and I wound up head first in the sheep pen's dirty straw pile!

(It'll prolly be Misty though, if I have sex again at all..)



I have a mini-mule mare, not really "mini" by mini horse standards, bigger than both her parents, stout pony size really.

First 3 years of her life she was a kicking fool, though with really bad aim; she kicked AT me, but never KICKED me.  And she stole the babies from their mothers; even killed a donkey foal in a kick-fight with her mother.  She actually got herself on the sale list.  In the meantime I put her in with the males to save the females and their babies.  Then before she sold she stopped kicking.  Pretty much just turned it off.  I took her off the sale list but kept her in with the males; not worth the risk.  

She has turned into a full-time in-heat, out-of-heat slut, taking the horse stallions any time any place.  And the jacks.  Me too, but oddly, leads me teasingly, a few feet at a time, until we're a hundred yards from the other males, then stands firm.  (This part was when it was still safe to have sex outdoors behind the barn).


On 10/2/2020 at 8:16 AM, heavyhorse said:

I have a mini-mule mare, not really "mini" by mini horse standards, bigger than both her parents, stout pony size really.

First 3 years of her life she was a kicking fool, though with really bad aim; she kicked AT me, but never KICKED me.  And she stole the babies from their mothers; even killed a donkey foal in a kick-fight with her mother.  She actually got herself on the sale list.  In the meantime I put her in with the males to save the females and their babies.  Then before she sold she stopped kicking.  Pretty much just turned it off.  I took her off the sale list but kept her in with the males; not worth the risk.  

She has turned into a full-time in-heat, out-of-heat slut, taking the horse stallions any time any place.  And the jacks.  Me too, but oddly, leads me teasingly, a few feet at a time, until we're a hundred yards from the other males, then stands firm.  (This part was when it was still safe to have sex outdoors behind the barn).

What a lovely story.


[Image: b6caeab020e2f3b6ff3fb668b4ca1af1.jpg.255...9cfd1e.jpg]

3 hours ago, Ramseys said:

[Image: b6caeab020e2f3b6ff3fb668b4ca1af1.jpg.255...9cfd1e.jpg]


This is a concise and brilliantly worded guide for new players . I found this guide extremely helpful and as a new player u can say that even though some of the these game mechanics has begun to show themselves to me , to have them confirmed in this way by a veteran of the game is a very pleasing aspect of this growing community i am very happy to be a part of now.

I always have trouble reading these kinds of threads.

Bonus points to those who can figure out why.



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