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silverwolf's embarrassing moments

12 hours ago, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

Yeah you got to be careful. Also got to worry about horse/goat/sheep/dog hair in your underwear if someone else does the laundry,

Worse than critter hair if it was a cold day and a in-heat cow.  

Laundry fact:  Nothing permanently stains polyester jeans; cotton will stay green forever...... 


Also be aware of who is around when your home having fun time.

Back on the farm I was the only person home and was in the barn having fun. Nothing like a good in heat cow. Was really into it when the damn neighbor from the next farm over showed up to barrow the chainsaw. When he was walking over he saw me lead the cow into the barn.


Absolutely this!  ^   ^   

It's damn Grand Central Station around here.  Ya got neighbors, hunters, UPS/FedX/USPS needing a signature, the ESL crowd dropping by to buy a goat/sheep for tonite's celebration (why they don't use a phone is beyond me), relatives that of course NEVER need an invite to just wander in, "sang"/"shroom" hunters, lost livestock, scrappers, people needing parts, you just never know who or when even when you think you are alone.

You ABSOLUTELY need a windowless area with some kind of stout inside double lock on doors, and preferably a back way out so you can come walking up behind THEM when they are rattling the door and act like you were "out back" somewhere and didn't hear them when they came up (thus the delay in answering).   

The cow?  Sure; she's in there eating her wormer.  I'll let her out later (implied "wtf business is it of yours")


Yes. You can go days without seeing anyone but the moment you do anything fun, they just crawl out of the woodwork.


And leave your shirt tail out.  Saves time, covers a lot of, well, issues. 

"This?"  Easily explained that it's to keep cedar needles, chainsaw chips, metal filings, hay bits, from going down your pants.  When you're working.  

Because you were working.  

What the hell else would I have been doing....... ?


On 11/11/2020 at 5:10 PM, heavyhorse said:

Ya got neighbors, hunters, UPS/FedX/USPS needing a signature, the ESL crowd dropping by to buy a goat/sheep for tonite's celebration (why they don't use a phone is beyond me), relatives that of course NEVER need an invite to just wander in, "sang"/"shroom" hunters, lost livestock, scrappers, people needing parts, you just never know who or when even when you think you are alone.

Or sales slugs because that barn would look SO much better with a fresh coat of paint.   But the one you've really got to watch are the black helicopters.   They come by every September or so and scan the entire county for illicit crops.


Oh yeah.  The sky is not safe anymore.  Copters, drones, blimps, satellites.  I can see individual lambs on Google Maps, plenty of resolution to see you getting busy outdoors.   And that's the civilian version, I hear the military can read license plates.  

And totally silent hot air balloons dropping out of the sky into the field by the house.  Because they wanted somewhere without power lines.  Followed momentarily by 2 truckloads of chase crew.  


16 hours ago, heavyhorse said:


...and that's the civilian version, I hear the military can read license plates.  



They can read the time on your watch... from 200 miles away!  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


2 hours ago, Hiway said:


They can read the time on your watch... from 200 miles away!  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?  They were reading license plates way back then.   Now think about how far the tech has come since then.


22 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

And that's the civilian version, I hear the military can read license plates.  

Nah, it's about the same resolution at least from the standard civilian sats.  The difference is when the military taps into them, the feed is live, the civilian version is generally a year or two old freeze frame.  Woe is you if you were fucking a sheep when google took it's snapshot, because god knows someone will find you and laugh for years to come (plus the other bad things).


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