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amendment in Poland

The ruling party wants to:

  • increase penalty for animal abuse and killing (from two to four and from three to five if the perpetrator acted with special cruelty)

  • ban killing animals without depriving them of consciousness first, unless they are sacrificially killed by followers of legally registered religion (I really hate the second part, but it is not new)

  • ban fur farms

  • ban using animals in circuses (for now they can own even the most dangerous class one animals, aside from them only scientific institutions and zoological gardens can get such permission)

  • ban "mounting on building's elements devices that can cause wounds or injures to birds, especially spikes or wires"

  • ban selling and buying products of domesticated animal's origin

  • ban selling and buying "things and intangible goods" if an animal is transferred for free during transaction

  • ban selling animals to juveniles

  • impose dog marking (probably with chips, I have to read more to ensure how it is supposed to work) and create the central registry of marked animals

and make many more changes.

The project currently waits in constitutional court.

"zoophilia" as the bill names "sexual intercourse with an animal" (I know, our terminology sucks) is illegal due to art. 6 ust. 2 pkt. 16 and has not been directly affected. It falls however under animal abuse.

I am personally very happy to see this happening, especially banning fur farms and increased penalty. Hopefully the amendment will enter into force soon.

source: http://orka.sejm.gov.pl/Druki8ka.nsf/dok...0-751-2017 (Polish)


Regarding line 6, is that translated correctly?:

6 hours ago, mttcisc said:

ban selling and buying products of domesticated animal's origin

As presented. it appears to ban meat, dairy, eggs, leather, wool, lanolin, and all other products from regular farm Animals.

Resident Hyaena ^..^


Literally it would be "house animals", they are defined as "animals that traditionally dwell with human in his house or another appropriate room, sustained by human as his companion". So no, farm animals don't fit in this definition.


"ban killing animals without depriving them of consciousness first, unless they are sacrificially killed by followers of legally registered religion (I really hate the second part, but it is not new)"

So, this makes hunting forbidden? Good luck with your forest ecosystem, Poland...


Sorry, my fault, I rewrote this part from an article. This subject is actually much more complicated, requirement of deprivation of consciousness applies only to abattoirs. Many other excuses exist, especially connected to environment protection.



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