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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

3 hours ago, DingoJay said:

 I visited a flea market last weekend (one of the few that remain open in the area).  One of the dealers, a fifty-something guy, was ranting and raving that the whole virus thing was a hoax and a scam.  No mask, no nothing,  I stayed the hell away from him.  There's a word for people like that, "covidiots."   I wonder if he'll keep on thinking that when he's lying in a hospital and they're about to shove tubes down his throat.

 An acquaintance of mine and his lady friend would go to a small town in northern Italy every year to see the Easter Passion Play.  This year, with the travel bans, they couldn't fly to Naples to get there, so they got creative.  They flew to Barcelona, Spain, took a train through France to as close to the Italian border as they could get, rented a car to cross the border and got a bus to their destination.  They spent several days there, got back to Barcelona and flew home.  They both started showing signs of illness on the plane on the way back to Florida.  

 They got snagged by a temperature scanner at the airport in Florida and were quarantined.  The lady friend, age 71, had a relatively mild case but spent 2 weeks plus in the hospital.  The guy, age 77, passed away after 9 days on a ventilator.

  All through the trip, they posted on social media about how they had skirted the travel bans and were able to go "wherever we want with impunity."  I can only guess how many people they shared their deadly "souvenir" with on buses, trains, planes and at airports.  Hope you enjoyed your trip, Phil.  See you in hell, dumbass.

I swear we would've beaten this thing 12 times by now if humans weren't selfish, but that's like wishing for water not to be wet.

And no, don't tell me "you can just put it in the freezer."  You can do that with water but not with people.  Otherwise I'd probably have tried by now.


Put him up for a Darwin Award.


Actions have consequences..... 


...... and they put people in the freezer.  They call them "temporary morgues".  They're semi-trailers with a ThermoKing in front.


Heard a new term for covidiots... Rat lickers.  In reference to the black plague, where there were probably people that assumed it was their god given right to lick rats... And end up dying of bubonic plague.  Love that term!  


i like rat licker....and i must say if the cheeto burrito had established national policy from the bigging we would have this thing inhand...but instead he refused to issue national mask and distancing executive orders....he insisted that the "economy open" and "schools open" and left it to the states to struggle on...his campaign rallies killed 700 people at least as superspreader events.....add to that the above mentioned stupidity and wow we are all gonna die...well ok maybe just ALOT of us are gonna dies.....stay safe my internet friends...


2 hours ago, shortleash said:

i like rat licker....and i must say if the cheeto burrito had established national policy from the bigging we would have this thing inhand...but instead he refused to issue national mask and distancing executive orders....he insisted that the "economy open" and "schools open" and left it to the states to struggle on...his campaign rallies killed 700 people at least as superspreader events.....add to that the above mentioned stupidity and wow we are all gonna die...well ok maybe just ALOT of us are gonna dies.....stay safe my internet friends...

Well, again:  Evolution continues.  

The planet is grossly overpopulated as it is.  If a few million Cult-of-Personality followers exercise their Constitutional Rights to refuse to wear masks and gather in large groups, well, the Cool-Aid is right this way.  Thins out the shallow end of the gene pool. 

Just please, Social Distance a good long ways away.  A couple thousand yards seems like a nice round number.......  

[Image: 9mm-TMJ-P2.jpg.5747747be2a2ea65254f7f3a01240356.jpg]

Well, population of S Korea is 51 million and change, so far less than 500 people have died of it.  Bud (mundane) with a Korean spouse says simple.  Go in anyplace they take your temp.  Get off an airplane, they take your temp.  Any question you get tested.  Coming into the country - which isn't easy unless you live there - you quarantine for two weeks, and they check randomly daily.  Test positive, ALL your contacts are traced and quarantined.  Don't want to quarantine?  You quarantine in a cell.  Admittedly their laws and customs make all this easy, but it works.  He said when they got off the plane from NY and headed to the apartment to quarantine they were each given a box of snacks, food items, games, and masks.  He wasn't surprised that NY had so many cases and deaths.



<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2020_11/5fb1c4c627be7_Somehelp.jpg.b84af887d59fea229de1698db05654b5.jpg" data-fileid="4193">[Image: 5fb1c4c66fb92_Somehelp.thumb.jpg.614b602...4692d6.jpg]</a>


4 hours ago, Ramseys said:

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="4193" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2020_11/5fb1c4c627be7_Somehelp.jpg.b84af887d59fea229de1698db05654b5.jpg">[Image: 5fb1c4c66fb92_Somehelp.thumb.jpg.614b602...4692d6.jpg]</a>


Been buzz-cutting myself instead of going to the barber.

Looks like you two could use a trim?  

I think we could come to an agreement...... 


On 11/15/2020 at 0:15 PM, shortleash said:

i like rat licker....and i must say if the cheeto burrito had established national policy from the bigging we would have this thing inhand...but instead he refused to issue national mask and distancing executive orders....he insisted that the "economy open" and "schools open" and left it to the states to struggle on...his campaign rallies killed 700 people at least as superspreader events.....add to that the above mentioned stupidity and wow we are all gonna die...well ok maybe just ALOT of us are gonna dies.....stay safe my internet friends...

should have been/// from the beginning/// fat fingers rule my days....sigh....and gonna die...not dies...meh...


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