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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

ok so i am scheduled for april 5th to get jabbed....sigh...i don't want the mandemic to end...it has been so quiet....i mean pan...pandemic...


Oh don't worry-- It'll be with us for some time to come. 

As long as the covidiots keep packing  together for Spring Break and every other holiday real or imagined, pack the bars and pub-crawls, refuse to get the vaccine for whatever political cult floats their boat, fly to wherever the current mutations come from (and back), it's not going anywhere fast.

You'll just be less likely to die if you catch it from them...... 


Oh and Happy Daylight Savings Time!

No more sorting sheep by feel.  At least until next (shudder) winter-- 


8 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

No more sorting sheep by feel.

How does one tell the difference by feel...?


10 hours ago, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

How does one tell the difference by feel...?

Put one hand under them.  There's some --obvious-- differences...... 


It's about time to shear those beauties.

[Image: 1317000181.rabbi-tom_sheep_1b.jpg.0b065d...58a34b.jpg]


I usually do so when the days get to 80* or so in this area.  So not yet in middle US.  

Of course Texas weather has been so dependably warm the last little while...... 



10 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Put one hand under them.  There's some --obvious-- differences...... 

I was joking with you!!!


Those two can get off the fence and take turns on me [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



On 3/9/2021 at 6:11 AM, heavyhorse said:

Damn they don't live near long enough, do they.... 

Oh he still alive. I just had a chance to meet him before he got sent where he is now and i missed it.


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