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Just a quick note to let folks know I'm ok.

I've been locked out of my account.

Don't know why.


Well, ya' know-- 


Yer still here though [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



On 6/6/2021 at 3:59 PM, Ramseys said:

Just a quick note to let folks know I'm ok.

I've been locked out of my account.

Don't know why.

That sucks, usually TG is pretty... open, to us and others. Glad to see you're still around though. Also, hi, yes, been literal months since I've posted on anything...


I have heard other Zoos complaining that antis are posing as them on TG etc.


It's not as secure as many think, some let their guard down a bit much.  

One text-only function is fairly secure, file sharing not so much.

They admit to helping execute warrants.

Member data is unencrypted and open to anyone with admin access.

Google is your friend.  (Sometimes-- )


Keep in mind: Any service or method that can be used by terrorists or pedos will be, and is, broken by the unlimited resources of agencies.  Often without disclosing the fact, so they can keep the honeypot flowing.  Not being a high-profile target offers some small relief.  But take care... 


3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

It's not as secure as many think, some let their guard down a bit much.  

TG has had competitions for governments and individuals to hack them, so far, no one has breached their cryptography.


3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:


It's not as secure as many think, some let their guard down a bit much.  

One text-only function is fairly secure, file sharing not so much.


File sharing depends on WHAT is sent, and from whom. It's 'user beware' when it comes to that, especially on 'popular platforms' (Windows, Android, Apple). As far as text, you have to be careful that someone doesn't archive a GROUP chat: TG themselves will not fork over data to (most) officials / LEO, their servers are based in the UAE.


3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

They admit to helping execute warrants.

They can only do this in some select jurisdictions. TG isn't based in the US remember.

3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Member data is unencrypted and open to anyone with admin access.

In group chats, yes. Accounts are encrypted however. The group chats are not by default.

3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Google is your friend.  (Sometimes-- )

With some of my... connections, I can tell you Google IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Especially with political, or controversial issues. Or, when it comes to data logging, they can and will, HAVE forked over gigs of private data to the US government and cooperating countries.

3 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Keep in mind: Any service or method that can be used by terrorists or pedos will be, and is, broken by the unlimited resources of agencies.  Often without disclosing the fact, so they can keep the honeypot flowing.  Not being a high-profile target offers some small relief.  But take care... 

The problem with this statement: Telegram wasn't 'broken', the GROUPS were merely infiltrated by rats, spies planted there. People willing to be 'too involved' in a particular group's activities. This is KGB style spying, not tech savvy or computer power.


In other words, human stupidity: note NONE of this that I have said compares to GOOD security practices, none of this is a solution or stability against you using your brain and managing your own level of risk.



6 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

TG has had competitions for governments and individuals to hack them, so far, no one has breached their cryptography.

You said so many good and intelligent things in this post.   Why did you have to contaminate it with this stinker?    The last thing that anyone who breaches security anywhere is going to do is announce it.    If they tell the site/gov/corp will immediately fix the leak and they will have to start all over again from scratch.   If they keep it quiet they will have a steady source of income until someone else opens their big mouth.


17 hours ago, caikgoch said:

You said so many good and intelligent things in this post.   Why did you have to contaminate it with this stinker?    The last thing that anyone who breaches security anywhere is going to do is announce it.    If they tell the site/gov/corp will immediately fix the leak and they will have to start all over again from scratch.   If they keep it quiet they will have a steady source of income until someone else opens their big mouth.

Your opinion, but maybe you should do a little research in to TG and some of what is known about them. This is somewhat-common knowledge, even in cyber-security circles. There would be massive news also if TG were truely compromised.

Why do you think so many 'radical' (often falsely stated...) groups use TG over other more 'conventional platforms' (Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, etc..)? Again, read what else I posted as well: NONE of this is a solution against human stupidity.



Yes.  This.  Just click the App.

As long as you avoid major platforms like Windows, Apple, Android.

And can vouch for the integrity of other users.

And watch where you and the people you know live.

And avoid stupid people in large groups.

And people who aren't what they seem.  Spies and traitors, anti's and activists.

So, um, not as safe as some may think.  Don't get stupid what you say / do thinking you're protected.  


And ABSOLUTELY yes.  Google is watching.  Just look and see if Google Analytics isn't lurking behind just about every damn site in existence.  Google your own name.  Your usernames from different sites.  Your email addy's. (You DO use different usernames on different sites, and have separate dedicated encrypted email (protonmail dot com) for This Stuff, replying to dog ads, etc., DON'T you?).  See what anyone else can know about you.

But Google still has the best Search algorithms anywhere, esp if you don't know what you don't know, and don't know what to ask for.  As I've said elsewhere, only use it for "sensitive" searching using a dedicated Privacy Browser (not just click "private browsing").  One that by design and default blocks tracking, doesn't save history, isolates tabs and windows from each other (so sites you visit can't see what other sites you visit), has a proxy, in a remote location.     


@WGW:  Always appreciated.  Thx.   




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