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Some important questions about zoosadistic men

Hi, Iam Michael from Germany, Iam 43 years old and I got a horrible link some months ago.I am a non zoo but I love animals very much especially cats and dogs .

It was a darkweb link to a cruel site. Zoosadistic men who are proud(!) to torture and murder helpless animals.

That made me very sad and I cried and I was in rage and had sleepness nights.

I have some questions about such cruel vicious men

1.) Hate such guys ALL animals or depends  which kind of animal it is? Can a zoosadist tortures  without pity a cat but loves and cares for a dog or a horse?

2.) Why are such guys so disgusting and so cruel? Bad childhood?

3.) Notice one this cruely of this guys also in everyday life? (Family, job..)


PLEASE be so kind and answers.

Thank you  so much in advance

Love and Peace from Michael

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2021_06/60cf6a8d52995_Download-2021-06-20T181329_597.jpg.95ba94aaa1e5d9137cf51b7a0936c4bc.jpg" data-fileid="4396">[Image: 60cf6a8d52995_Download-2021-06-20T181329...36c4bc.jpg]</a>


Okay.   First, understand that by asking here you are implying that we may have such among us or tolerate them in some fashion.   Be strongly assured that the opposite is very much true.

Sadism of all kinds is about power.   That's why it is associated with dominance and discipline.  Animals are a popular target among those practicing such ways because they are both less likely to get caught and less likely to face serious consequences when they do.   Zoosadists are the real basis for the distortions that claim people who have sex with animals are likely to harm children and others.

What we do has no intention of harm or pain anywhere in it.    My horses and I consider each other as family.   Of course they can't drive a car and I can't wear a saddle but we have worked out a system of language and customs between us that incorporates elements from both species and allows us to co-habitate happily.   This is what Zoophile means.

There's a lot of arguments over which came first, the sex or the caring, but we feel our pains together.   There is more empathy in a relationship with a horse than is typical between humans simply because that is their nature.    That doesn't mean that neither of us has ever been hurt.   We've both thrown caution to the winds in the hot pursuit of an orgasm and paid the price.   For example, I've learned to always wear reinforced shoes after acquiring a mild twist in one foot.

Besides having sex, we share affection by grooming and simply spending time together.  We protect each other and often do things simply because it makes our pardner happy.   This is where you will see a big difference between us and the sadists.   Making someone else happy is the opposite of their goal.   They don't cuddle post orgasm, they leave.  

It should also be noted that my favorite sexual partner weighs more than 6 times what I do.    He can pick me up, carry me about, push me around, hold me down, or crush me at his whim.   I don't mind being under his complete control because I trust him and he has proven himself well worthy of that trust.   Even when I've had sexual partners smaller than myself, they've had the ability to do great harm to me with teeth and claw.   That's because I have never restrained any sexual partner in any fashion.   At the very least, they can easily outrun me if they so choose.  

The use of restraints is a warning sign.   That individual is either ignorant or sadist.   It is a matter of pride and honor among us that our sexual partners pursue and solicit us.   Consent isn't an issue because they are actively seeking our consent.



First there's a lesson about the darkweb to be learned here, and it's not about animals.  Regardless of topic, you are on very shaky ground with every sort of content you find there.  Proceed with greatest caution, there are consequences....

Specifically addressing your questions:

1)  I suspect such behavior is directed across all species lines, it's just that directing it at helpless animals is easier and less risky legally than attacking humans.  Though don't rule out psychopathic behavior extending to humans; I have seen posts by professed pedosadists.

2)  Why?  To be charitable, I'll call it "mental disease or defect".  My further comment on them would be pretty inflammatory. 

3)  They are pretty good at hiding it.  There are probably signs, particularly at home behavior, toward family, that would be recognized by mental health professionals.   

Be aware, there are some of these people who are known to some of us from past behavior and posts, criminal records available by online searches,  sites no longer available, who have accounts on various sites, venues, social media, where they do their level damndest to present a persona of being loving and caring toward animals.  They (usually) try hard not to be noticed in daily life.  .  


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